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Poll: do you guys still play the daily events for shards and the green dust thing

Do you still play Daily Beats events

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Depends on the event

    Votes: 11 44.0%

  • Total voters


Rookie 2
It seems like a losing race.
Should we skip the daily? It seems irrelevant already. Shaq is now 99. And seems futile to train someone else by now


Rookie 1
I used to until last week, when the sim series promo started I gave up doing the daily shards events to save more stamina, but I'm going to do them again in the future because I only have Doncic at 93


Pro 2
I do. But I also have been slowly leveling some superstars. And if the EVER open chapter 7, a nice card should be there. It’s been over 2 months.


Rookie 2
Nope. Superstars are completely useless at this point. Once you get them to 100 ovr everyone else will be 105 already. Just don’t waste your time leveling up superstars.


Rookie 2
Yea. Problem is by the time we get it to 110 (f2p) we may already have better options.
As of now I can level.up doncic to 93. I already have Kerr
On the other hand I'm afraid ea may pull something up and I may miss out if I skipped these events

That's why I'm wondering if as whole people still care


Rookie 1
I did for Shaq. Got that momths ago. Then did a few till a few weeks ago, only because I obtained all spots on my teams that superstars playing positions are useless to me now as they only go to 99, anf i either already have a 99 or higher.

And I'm not interested in Gonzalez. She can only be upgraded to 99, even tho her superstar card has a clutch, I've already got a 101 Valez that I'm not even using as they may be great at 3pt shots, they suck at defence.

Plus, I'm sick of having superstars. Period. Shaq I actually wanted, but the rest are players I'm not interested in, yet I've got most of them unlocked unintentionally from bonus rewards etc. I wish we could sell superstars. I don't want them.

Hopefully next season we don't get rookies to choose with wimpy powerups... how about we just select one card, any card, of whoever we want, and choose to upgrade it? The rules are you can only upgrade one card at a time, you cannot auction it outside of its default stats, and you only get a default amount for selling it... to keep it fair.

However, it should not go away, as just because you're done, I'm done, he's done, she's done... doesn't mean a new comer should miss out on being able to upgrade a superstar. Maybe they love Young? And want him as their superstar etc? It's not fair to take it away until the seasons over for them.

What can go tho is the level event thing. Its a complete waste of time. All it does is awards you with the chance to pay for an overpriced outdated card and a court. We do all the hard work only for EA to say "good job, now give us money" lol
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All-Star 1
I do the ones for 500 shards + but not star power. I've got Shaq and Embiid at 99 so I'm just stockpiling shards and Dust for the next unlock. Doing the Dust sets daily and weekly is helpful bc you'll be able to buy Purple Star Power when it's available


Rookie 2
There will be A time when they are 110s. Just sayin.
Nah. When there even is 110 ovr superstars every other player will be a 120 ovr just saying. Why grind to level up superstars when you can easily get way better players form promos. Just saying


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Nah. When there even is 110 ovr superstars every other player will be a 120 ovr just saying. Why grind to level up superstars when you can easily get way better players form promos. Just saying
Base overall will stop at 110 like last season the only way to surpass it is with boosts and even then that's just 111 and a small maybe at 112 depending on them making mega boost cards


Rookie 2
Base overall will stop at 110 like last season the only way to surpass it is with boosts and even then that's just 111 and a small maybe at 112 depending on them making mega boost cards
Yeah. I'm just saying superstars will never be higher ovrs than regular cards we get from promos. Superstars are cool and all, but they're simply not worth grinding for to get star power and shards.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What's disappointing is that the new one is useless in that the clutch is a 2pt one with the tiny zone I was hoping it was 3pt


All-Star 1
Yeah. I'm just saying superstars will never be higher ovrs than regular cards we get from promos. Superstars are cool and all, but they're simply not worth grinding for to get star power and shards.
Just wait and see, by the end of the season I predict everyone will have 1-2 Superstars in their “legacy lineup” (what they carry to season 5). There will be some hook like you get to start the season with leveled Superstars or something. Just wait....


Rookie 2
Just wait and see, by the end of the season I predict everyone will have 1-2 Superstars in their “legacy lineup” (what they carry to season 5). There will be some hook like you get to start the season with leveled Superstars or something. Just wait....
Ok then. Look I’m not trying to discourage superstars. I have a 97 Anthony Davis. I’m just saying what I know now and if superstars become super important then great


Pro 2
Just wait and see, by the end of the season I predict everyone will have 1-2 Superstars in their “legacy lineup” (what they carry to season 5). There will be some hook like you get to start the season with leveled Superstars or something. Just wait....

There will most likely be a hook. And the superstars Do fairly easily boost To the next ovr In a lineup. As I’ve made clear all season, I’m not a fan of this program the way EA set it up. That said, a 99 superstar tends to outperform a 99 campaign player, including their ai - especially their aI. It‘s been that way at every new elevate level. The attribute stats are especially meaningless on these superstar cards. But as far as boosts for 110s, 4 of the top 5 110 in the game at the end of S3 - 110 Harden, Kawhi, Shaq & Lebron - only had a boost to position which is fairly worthless Anyway. By the end of the season it’s kinda silly to think the top cards are campaign cards. If it’s like last year they will be special edition, difficult to acquire set cards ( with the only exception being 110 Lebron, which was a pay card).

And I’m pleased to learn that “Dylan” only has a preloaded clutch “2”.


Rookie 2
How are y’all doing with leveling up superstars? I have 97 Davis, 92 Shaq, 90. Kawhi, and 88 Dylan Gonzalez. I’m trying to level them up now that there might be a “hook” for next season.


Rookie 3
Focusing only on doncic at 90 and shaq at 99. Daily events go towards doncic (now at 20k shards) but holding off on upgrading them until they decrease the requirement (hopefully). I keep hoarding 250 shards and above from weekly/monthly/promos and keep building dust points until they care to increase the max cap. Will decide by then if i have to focus on just upgrading shaq and doncic or if i can upgrade the others.


Rookie 1
Focusing only on doncic at 90 and shaq at 99. Daily events go towards doncic (now at 20k shards) but holding off on upgrading them until they decrease the requirement (hopefully). I keep hoarding 250 shards and above from weekly/monthly/promos and keep building dust points until they care to increase the max cap. Will decide by then if i have to focus on just upgrading shaq and doncic or if i can upgrade the others.
I also have shaq at 99 and doncic at 96. I hope they upgrade the overall soon so I can use them in my lineup. I also got 40k dust so I can buy star power when it comes out.


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