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Lunar New Year Promo


Rookie 3
Gold envelope set - 14 exchanges
1. 50 nba cash (twice)
2. 10k coins (twice)
3. silver jersey
4. 90 Roberson
5. elite legendary token (twice)
6. gold coach, court
7. 25k coins
8. 100k coins (twice)
9. 90 Bogdanovic
Haven't listed mine but what frustates me is that i pulled like 3 or 4 '250 shards' from elite envelope which should have been more valuable items. Not sure why they still give shards from packs when almost all players already given up on superstar.


Rookie 3
Good thing though is that i pulled 93 def sg mitchell and ss pg simmon, both with 10% lantern from elite envelope. Will try to sell simmon and will keep donovan


Rookie 3
The elite envelopes didn’t give me anything worthwhile, just a couple of 87’s and shard for superstar players that I never use.

At least the gold ones gave me 93 Mitchell and 94 Hill


Pro 1
15 gold and 8 elite envelopes.

Worth of mention...
2x 91s from golds
93 Mitchell, 94 Sabonis and 94 PG13 for elites

Finally some decent luck


Rookie 1
Evening fellas,

I have been grinding to see if i can get all 3 promo players & this afternoon EA have stopped rewarding point for showdown wins & season wins.

anyone else noticed this?
i don’t think i’m going to make it to get Anthony now, let along Russell :(

i bought the Mcgrady booster too


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Evening fellas,

I have been grinding to see if i can get all 3 promo players & this afternoon EA have stopped rewarding point for showdown wins & season wins.

anyone else noticed this?
i don’t think i’m going to make it to get Anthony now, let along Russell :(

i bought the Mcgrady booster too
This was stated in this thread already I merged your thread with this one


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