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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Rookie 1
Nah all of my collectibles (including 4 mystery gifts from S3) and all of my players in my S3 lineups are completely gone!! I had a bunch of players and the only thing I was left with was a bunch of 97/ or less.
It stated remove items from Bronze up, huh ? I knew someone who had like 1205-1210 items before server maintenance lost his entire starting lineup with 107+ elites ( highest rating, none are 110 btw ) and all his bronze and silver players are left intact, can be exchanged for dust etc


Rookie 2
So, all in all, best strategy to ending S3 was stocking coins... all those platinum tokens and players are really worth little comparing to coins


Rookie 3
Wow, not even 24 hours after pushing an entire software update for the new season, it's down already for "maintenance".

What a bunch of moronic amateurs


Rookie 1
It stated remove items from Bronze up, huh ? I knew someone who had like 1205-1210 items before server maintenance lost his entire starting lineup with 107+ elites ( highest rating, none are 110 btw ) and all his bronze and silver players are left intact, can be exchanged for dust etc
Yea man that’s me! I remove bronze and up. Had a bunch of 110, 109 and 108s. Yet I’m left with 2 higher than 105, 1 - 105 and all 97 or lower. Plus my S4 mystery tokens all gone so I can’t take advantage of the set after all that grinding!!! So I’m now officially an F2P and refuse to spend any more cash on this bs game. Going to burn all my cash on a fun promo and then stop playing this crap for a long while.


Rookie 1
Today we have a pay to win objective in the game. Buy or claim Premiere pack it says.
I passed level 10 yesterday (Premiere pack is a gift @ lvl 10), I got no cash, I got no dust (I'm a new player) ..
It's not possible.. Because of that I can't fulfill all my objectives and I'm losing out on a pro pack and cash reward..
👎 EA


All-Star 3
Today we have a pay to win objective in the game. Buy or claim Premiere pack it says.
I passed level 10 yesterday (Premiere pack is a gift @ lvl 10), I got no cash, I got no dust (I'm a new player) ..
It's not possible.. Because of that I can't fulfill all my objectives and I'm losing out on a pro pack and cash reward..
👎 EA
was just going to post about this.. does any one have any info about how we are supposed ot complete this? i really doubt they expect users to buy a pack daily...


Rookie 1
was just going to post about this.. does any one have any info about how we are supposed ot complete this? i really doubt they expect users to buy a pack daily...

prob supposed to be the daily free pro pack?...otherwise EA really trying their luck on this one.


Rookie 1
Okay so all the free to play players leave the game which I believe are a lot of people. You can pay EA the money they make from advertisements. "Of the $3.75 billion in digital revenue that Electronic Arts generated over the last 12 months, $743 million -- 19.8% of the total haul -- came from full game downloads.". EA really gonna lose a lot of money if f2p players leave the game. You can just pay a couple million dollars.

I understand how it feels to not get what you worked for. I am also very mad about the set because I spent days making coins and then buying the elite players. Why would EA care because they still get the money they want. EA would actually take us seriously when they start losing money. I hope you understand the point I am trying to make.

That's my point too mate... and the only way to get them lose the $$$ 8: by us stop playing... This game is addicted but we could all agree to play COD for a week together 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I bet they will ask, what it takes to get the players back?? Lol


Rookie 2
I bought the premiere pack and completed the objectives. Only reason i did it was for the goof because I wanted my team to get a gift to start off S4 with some fun as the commish. (United Ballerz Club... shameless plug).

You get a pro pack, don't do it.


Pro 2
I like completing the daily objectives (basically all of them) but I dont like how you "have" to buy/claim a premiere pack now on a daily mission just to complete it all. I dont have e thousands of NBA cash on hand (I prefer to play for free) and besides the 24 hour dust set, is there any other way to go about getting the pack??? I want to say not fair. (Unless they dont want everyone to achieve the objectives, should change it to a pro pack)


Rookie 2
Our league got our first W today.
I got 100 XP + 200 Stamina token.
A bit shabby I'd say.
Would prefer the tokens from S3


Rookie 1
I like completing the daily objectives (basically all of them) but I dont like how you "have" to buy/claim a premiere pack now on a daily mission just to complete it all. I dont have e thousands of NBA cash on hand (I prefer to play for free) and besides the 24 hour dust set, is there any other way to go about getting the pack??? I want to say not fair. (Unless they dont want everyone to achieve the objectives, should change it to a pro pack)

They monetise this game even worse than before...

Even if you pay attention to coins value... NBALM devalued it by A LOT. They even get rid of mixture lineup, so we have to also BUY more players either from stores/pack/AH.

I get how they wanna keep making $$$, but this game isn't designed for those who are willing to play hard... more like, we gotta play hard and spend big to be on top. 😐😐😐


Rookie 1
Our league got our first W today.
I got 100 XP + 200 Stamina token.
A bit shabby I'd say.
Would prefer the tokens from S3

Yeah they tried to minimise the potential of us getting extra coins from playing.

Everyone will realised how most of us will stuck somewhere unless we are keen to spend real cash. Hahahaha. Greedy bastards.


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