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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Rookie 1
The unsold item that we post on AH gone missing? Seriously?

I was selling many including s4 players with average price and some of them with 101-9999999.

None sold, what is worse, all those items were GONE! Not even on my inventory. Anyone experiencing the same?


All-Star 1
is it just me finding the position of the buttons changed.. keep hitting the wrong button and missing the shoot button..
also manual switch is too close to pass.
gameplay just feels off for some reason
I'm liking gameplay actually. Smoother. Feels better than it did 2 days ago.


Pro 2
Oh yeah. How could I forget? My first irritation of the day.

600 tokens + 9.8mil rep equated about 4000 Dust currency. total crock


All-Star 1
Oh yeah. How could I forget? My first irritation of the day.

600 tokens + 9.8mil rep equated about 4000 Dust currency. total crock
Especially if you consider I got almost half of that with 1/2 the tokens and 1/5 of the rep. Guessing you got capped.


Pro 2
Gameplay is a little smoother. Other than that the only positives I’ve seen is playing against Ja - super easy to steal and, and Luka’s step back 3 (not the clutch 3).


Rookie 1
Not gonna happen if ya all keep playing this game or even worse, py real money for it. Hahahahaha

That's how his boss seeing his work, not from your feeling but your money and time playing that generated them profits.
I am a no money spent player. Only spent 3 dollars last season FYI. There are some people who complain a lot but also spend a lot of money. I am not one of them


Pro 2
I am a no money spent player. Only spent 3 dollars last season FYI. There are some people who complain a lot but also spend a lot of money. I am not one of them

Spenders complain when they are intentionally misled by EA employees.

Why don’t you just say thank you to the spenders, otherwise there is no Game.

You‘re welcome in advance.


Rookie 1
You can burn stamina in tipoff camoIgn just see which superstar you have unlocked you can play many times live event for that superstar to get tipoff points and shards.


Rookie 1
I am a no money spent player. Only spent 3 dollars last season FYI. There are some people who complain a lot but also spend a lot of money. I am not one of them

Yeah I complain a lot as well, but this game is getting no where but even more 'expensive to play'...

Even now, we gotta spend 50 stamina for a quarter of showdown and season match 🤣 Crazy.

Also, even if we are not spending real cash, the game is generating cash from us in many ways... advertising we watch, and our activities which attract more players to play the game.

The only way this game provider will start listening to players is when their income going down significantly.


Rookie 1
200 stamina for one Season game.

I wonder if the reward actually getting better..

I don't know exactly HOW.. but after I completed GAME 1 - Season, I received 80ovr player pack. Anyone else?

But then I played another match in season mode, got nothing but that point required to upgrade players.

It confused me. Why I got the 80ovr first? 😐 then nothing after... I won't bother playing 3rd match, it's 200 stamina per match hahahaha. Unless I'm sure the rewards really get better


Rookie 1
The game is definitely chugging a bit for me, I like to hope they'll lower the stamina asks for showdown/seasons as people level up but who knows. Definitely a little steep.


Rookie 1
They're in your inventory. All of mine were. Just can't use em outside of your multi-year lineup
Nah all of my collectibles (including 4 mystery gifts from S3) and all of my players in my S3 lineups are completely gone!! I had a bunch of players and the only thing I was left with was a bunch of 97/ or less.


Rookie 1
Spenders complain when they are intentionally misled by EA employees.

Why don’t you just say thank you to the spenders, otherwise there is no Game.

You‘re welcome in advance.

Okay so all the free to play players leave the game which I believe are a lot of people. You can pay EA the money they make from advertisements. "Of the $3.75 billion in digital revenue that Electronic Arts generated over the last 12 months, $743 million -- 19.8% of the total haul -- came from full game downloads.". EA really gonna lose a lot of money if f2p players leave the game. You can just pay a couple million dollars.

I understand how it feels to not get what you worked for. I am also very mad about the set because I spent days making coins and then buying the elite players. Why would EA care because they still get the money they want. EA would actually take us seriously when they start losing money. I hope you understand the point I am trying to make.
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