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109 fan favourites


All-Star 3

Halloween - kyrie, Terry
Harvest- curry, mutombo
POTG - kg, Ray
ALL STAR -Kemba, Durant
4th of July - Admiral, ?pippen
SPRING - Kemp, Rodman
FINALS - Vanvleet, siakam
MVP HARDEN - Harden,
LUNAR - Cousins,
BLACK FRIDAY - Javale, blake
CHRISTMAS - Oladipo, Korver
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Rookie 3
I'd also like to know how to get my hands on that Vanvleet. That 105 card was the best 105 PG I've used and at 109 with +3 CS, he'll be a mainstay on my bench.


All-Star 1
So stupid to put these out right before reset. Non auctionable too. Harden with better stats than Daily Beats Master Harden. Smh


Rookie 3
Curry has 8 stats at 110. Crazy!


  • Screenshot_20191002_181255_com.ea.gp.nbamobile.jpg
    122 KB · Views: 506


Rookie 1
The only way to get these is the BOB pack that costs 3 highlight reel coins? 5% chance. And if you do land the 5% chance you aren’t guaranteed to get the player you want. Ugh!
The only way to get these is the BOB pack that costs 3 highlight reel coins? 5% chance. And if you do land the 5% chance you aren’t guaranteed to get the player you want. Ugh!
Or you can wait for the sets to come out. 2 new daily. Hoarding the elite tokens in the meantime.


All-Star 1
The only way to get these is the BOB pack that costs 3 highlight reel coins? 5% chance. And if you do land the 5% chance you aren’t guaranteed to get the player you want. Ugh!
They are releasing 2 new set players per day. Guessing the BOB pack is the way to get them early. But you can still get one of em with 50 elite tokens. Think I'm gonna grab that All Star KD since I had to sell Magic


Rookie 3
Can anyone explain to me how the primary stats work and how much value they have?

How can a player have 100 for outside shooting, when he has 110 for three points, mid-range AND contested shot? Makes absolutely zero sense to me.

SD Klay has lower primary stats than 106 Korver, 109 Iverson has lower primary stats than SD Kyrie, while smoking him in secondary stats and actual gameplay. 107 T-Mac easily outshoots SD Durant or 1110 Kawhi on manual, yet his primary stats are way lower.

The highest primary stat for outside shooting I've seen on one of my players was 108 for Ray Allen, who was admittedly great. But 110 Harden, 108 Doncic and SD Klay were better, while Klay only had a primary of 102 for outside shooting.

As far as actually shooting during gameplay, GT AI rivals SD Curry as the most consistent PG I've played with.

Can anyone make sense of this mess for me? Or are the primary stats just something I can ignore because it has no effect on gameplay?


Pro 1
Can anyone explain to me how the primary stats work and how much value they have?

How can a player have 100 for outside shooting, when he has 110 for three points, mid-range AND contested shot? Makes absolutely zero sense to me.

SD Klay has lower primary stats than 106 Korver, 109 Iverson has lower primary stats than SD Kyrie, while smoking him in secondary stats and actual gameplay. 107 T-Mac easily outshoots SD Durant or 1110 Kawhi on manual, yet his primary stats are way lower.

The highest primary stat for outside shooting I've seen on one of my players was 108 for Ray Allen, who was admittedly great. But 110 Harden, 108 Doncic and SD Klay were better, while Klay only had a primary of 102 for outside shooting.

As far as actually shooting during gameplay, GT AI rivals SD Curry as the most consistent PG I've played with.

Can anyone make sense of this mess for me? Or are the primary stats just something I can ignore because it has no effect on gameplay?

In season 1, hidden stats were known and it was easier to understand those cases. But the main stats and card overall should be all aggregates with different weights.

Take a card like this shaq https://www.nbalive.gg/16/players/7-shaquille-oneal-99-00

It was a 92ovr, but his best main stat was 76 at defense.

But people figured out that some of the hidden stats were the key to the math of the ovr of the card in a certain position. Instead of being a simple average of it all, the weight of (let's say) 'Defensive Post Footwork ' stat in the ovr was different if the card was a center or a guard. And if you cherry pick the center-focused hidden stats and give minimal weight to the rest you can reach something that resulted in the 92ovr that Shaq had.

Now, currently we don't have access to those hidden stats, but they must exist in some way. And something that isn't weighed strongly in the secondary stats is weighed stronger in the main stats.

Other severe case I've spotted lately was the Golden Ticket Jokic having 80 in Playmaking (nothing below 95 in secondary).

Regarding the differences in card performance, the advantages + random factor in the match should matter more to the success of the shooting than the currently tiny differences in the stats.


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