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Rookie 2
It's like a game of musical chairs. Looks like cp3 will never ever make it to the finals. His career is gonna go the Melo route. Westbrook and Harden, I wonder who will close when you need them to lol.

Most players just outright dislike or hate him, so they are kinda chuckling seeing how screwed up he is at this stage of his career.


Rookie 2
Just to bump this up.

Jeremy Lin, as the only Asian American player in the NBA league, has moved to Beijing, China for his next employment. This shouldn't surprise anyone since he's been touring China & Taiwan for past 2 months during the summer break.

At least he has a team now, a job. Melo is still looking for a team to pick up. The last I heard is the 76ers has had expressed initial interest in Melo and is talking to the agent.
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Rookie 1
At least he has a team now, a job. Melo is still looking for a team to pick up. The last I heard is the 76ers have had expressed initial interest in Melo and is talking to the agent.
Melo could still go to China and earn millions, but his ego won't let him. He is good enough to make an NBA team tbh but nowadays teams would rather have young guys at the end of the bench so they can develop into serviceable players.


Rookie 2
Melo could still go to China and earn millions, but his ego won't let him. He is good enough to make an NBA team tbh but nowadays teams would rather have young guys at the end of the bench so they can develop into serviceable players.

I wouldn't be surprised if Melo isn't successful in following up the 76er minimum vet offer, because of his ego/pride level.

I think Ice Cube has expressed interest abt Melo joining the Big 3, as long as Melo wants to join; it was the same with Nate Robinson w/ Jeremy after Jeremy's tearful video went viral in a few weeks ago.

Melo is not short on job offers, but well....he's frustrating as a person.


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