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Around the World Promo


Rookie 1
Any details yet on gear compensation for missing Hat? I think Gasol is out of reach for me but a lot of it depends on this compensation. Guessing somewhere between 5-10k gears.

Same here hopefully something commensurate.
Btw what milestones are you now?


Rookie 1
SMH EA....thanks again for the 5,000 gears....ridiculous let me know when I can expect the other 9,704 I would have earned had I received that hat without issue at 70K gears and balloon completion.


Rookie 3
5k while I am down 12500 interesting. Ea math is Brian - I am hungry + let's be cheap * spend money = 5000 gears
The hat is only a 5%. Around 500 daily for 10 days. It should be around 6k, but ok

I'm talking about those with 0% boost and no money spent in the promo.


All-Star 3
Are you still on pace for Gasol? Did you buy something besides the special coin pack offering in the beginning of the promo?
No man... Not even going for gasol. Figured i would need to spend cash to get him and his 3pt rating didnt seem worth spending that much on.. Been aiming for tatum with boost from the start and that's it


All-Star 1
No man... Not even going for gasol. Figured i would need to spend cash to get him and his 3pt rating didnt seem worth spending that much on.. Been aiming for tatum with boost from the start and that's it
Sorry, not sure why I thought you were going for Gasol. I think I will start cutting my (coin) spend on this promo.


Rookie 1
I am on 210k now (got the first boarding ticket one) with 25 % boost can I reach gasol with the remaining time of promo ?
Cause I'd like use boarding ticket for him than to tatum.
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All-Star 3
I am on 210k now (got the first boarding ticket one) with 25 % boost can I reach gasol with the remaining time of promo ?
Cause I'd like use boarding ticket for him than to tatum.
If u have some warmup points.. ull get there..
5k is such an insult!!!! I'm at 230k. So that's 160k gear points I've earned without the Top Hat! By giving us 5k they are rewarding us for only 100k gears worth of events.
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Rookie 1
5k is such an insult!!!! I'm at 230k. So that's 160k gear points I've earned without the Top Hat! By giving us 5k they are rewarding us for only 10k gears worth of events.

The hat gives 5% boost.
at 160,000 you earned since, that comes out to 8,000 gears.
So yes, they did short you out of 3,000 gears.

This game has done far worse than that.
The hat gives 5% boost.
at 160,000 you earned since, that comes out to 8,000 gears.
So yes, they did short you out of 3,000 gears.

This game has done far worse than that.
True ive gone through worse like not being able to play for weeks. After thinking abouf it this actually ain't that bad especially for those who earned less than 100k they actually get more gears.


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