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Around the World Promo


All-Star 3
Why does my dumbass Satoransky keep missing the shot in the activate and shoot event ? Already lost stamina 7 times from that event itself
Its coded that way.. bought dragic.. he misses too.. maybe just little less chances if failing ..
Every few promos they do this.. there will be live events which are coded to miss.. having fun at our expense


Rookie 1
So u need 400 players
If 1 player cost 15k then 400 would cost 6 mil .

Add in the fact they are being purchased for FAR more....like 30K plus and the costs soar likely 12-15mil....oh and not to mention the 24 hour cool down.....Either you spend NBA cash and take a shot ( with one token....you can buy with NBA cash for $2,925).

The other question that comes to mind....Signature, and High Flyer players haven't come with any boosts and OoP players have typically only given a positional boost so unless you get a Nickname player or things have changed you're not getting a player with boosts.
You can snipe oop 88 ovr players for 12k-13k. They are the cheapest. You get a triple take token from the set too, usable in a future set, rumored to contain 109-110 players


Rookie 1
Which player are you guys gunning for? Did anyone complete any of the masters and tried selling them? If so which master do you guys think will fetch the most coins?


All-Star 3
Which player are you guys gunning for? Did anyone complete any of the masters and tried selling them? If so which master do you guys think will fetch the most coins?
If u can get gasol, putting the ability on gasol instead of tatum and selling gasol might get you more coin..


Rookie 3
Which player are you guys gunning for? Did anyone complete any of the masters and tried selling them? If so which master do you guys think will fetch the most coins?
Ben will get the most coins and will be the most rare being harder to get.


Rookie 1
Got crash when play SD and when I log in back see this but when I click claim get nothing ?!

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All-Star 1
Any details yet on gear compensation for missing Hat? I think Gasol is out of reach for me but a lot of it depends on this compensation. Guessing somewhere between 5-10k gears.


All-Star 3
Any details yet on gear compensation for missing Hat? I think Gasol is out of reach for me but a lot of it depends on this compensation. Guessing somewhere between 5-10k gears.
Yup same here.. expecting that range too..lots of warmup points to get gasol along with maybe the 1k cash pack which was there earlier


All-Star 1
Yup same here.. expecting that range too..lots of warmup points to get gasol along with maybe the 1k cash pack which was there earlier
I think I missed the 1k cash pack?! How many gears did it offer? The 200 and 2000 packs are 10:1 so guessing 10k gears?


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