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Coins Transferable to Season 4?


Rookie 1
Ya I've seen that too...but couldn't really believe it..maybe its a miscommunicate just like how they miscommunicate on free to play players can actually grind for zion williomson


Pro 2
It's confirmed. But I'll wait to see the "trick"
Yes. The question unanswered is whether coins get treated like carryover nba cash, or have a limited use. I’d like to know. If they are severely limited use I’d consider blowing my coin wad on working towards 110 Kawhi, once 106s are going for 1m. If they transfer like cash, I’d sell inventory and save coins big time.


Rookie 1
Yes. The question unanswered is whether coins get treated like carryover nba cash, or have a limited use. I’d like to know. If they are severely limited use I’d consider blowing my coin wad on working towards 110 Kawhi, once 106s are going for 1m. If they transfer like cash, I’d sell inventory and save coins big time.

Regardless if its Limited/Unlimited use, or token base/collectibles, hidden tricks from EA to not fully use the coins. Bottom line is people who has 200mil coins will have an advantage no matter what..

I actually prefer if no coins is transferable lol that being said one of my accounts has over 50mil + so cant complain :) its a matter how much benefits its going to have in season 4.

Knowing EA its this is nothing but a MARKETING Scheme to trick people into playing season 4. Just like now they are advertising "You can keep Some of your players for next season" even though we all know its exact the same thing as legacy where u can only use it on live events which is almost useless.


All-Star 3
I feel they shdnt have announced it so early..
Now most of us will be torn between upgrading our team or getting a leg up..


Rookie 1
Brian said on Twitter they were still finalizing what they are doing with coins and would let us know when they have decided. It might be better to have s3 players rather than coins because I saw somewhere that we could use them to train our s4 players


Rookie 1
lol i play since the launch of s1. Everything except the cash and a legacy lineup will be deleted. EHERYTHING. EA is not generous. If they let the coins in game they make them useless in s4. They don’t give the gamers a **** after the reset. It was always like that and will ever be like that.
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Pro 2
The coins transfer to next season has limits ?

EA Jenny said no in a Q&A. Next day EA Brian said in a discord chat they were exploring it. Which pretty much means, you can count on it. Reddit went crazy complaining it would be an unfair advantage to allow someone with 50mil transfer it all. Snowflakes


Pro 1
EA Jenny said no in a Q&A. Next day EA Brian said in a discord chat they were exploring it. Which pretty much means, you can count on it. Reddit went crazy complaining it would be an unfair advantage to allow someone with 50mil transfer it all. Snowflakes
Strange. To me what sounds unfair is someone with 50M loosing part of it and end up in the same place as another player that either did nothing to get 50M or already got to spend them somewhere.


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