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Coins Transferable to Season 4?


All-Star 1
The first cards will have a low max cap, so having millions or not will not affect so much

Or you was expecting 80-81 ovr to be sold for 4M?
If an 80 is going for 250k when most people have 25k coins..... That's still a big deal. May as well be 4 mil to all the ppl that can't afford it

And also, assumptions only get us so far. Reset has been different for the past 2 seasons. I'm not expecting everything to be the same this time.


Rookie 1
We don't even need answers from EA about S4 stuff, we still remember what they said about Legacy Lineups at the end of S1, all the sets/cards/achievements and people spending hours/days to fiinish them to get more points cuz it should help a lot at start of new season.. yea, all that was worth like what, elite player, few golds, silvers + some useless collectibles and these players became garbage in 2 weeks.. also you can see how often we are using legacy lineups lol.. I dont even like to play with my LL anymore cuz images are broken and it looks like a thnig done by bunch of lazy newbs just to say, hey we did it, you can use your LL once per 2 months to get few gold collectibles. F**k them and their Legacy shit or whatever they want to call it..

I said at the end of S1 it's all BS, I have experience with EA since PC NHL era, they are worse than politicians before election, they will promise you big things right before start of every season and then you will start S4 just to see how useless all stuff from previous season is.


Pro 1
We don't even need answers from EA about S4 stuff, we still remember what they said about Legacy Lineups at the end of S1, all the sets/cards/achievements and people spending hours/days to fiinish them to get more points cuz it should help a lot at start of new season.. yea, all that was worth like what, elite player, few golds, silvers + some useless collectibles and these players became garbage in 2 weeks.. also you can see how often we are using legacy lineups lol.. I dont even like to play with my LL anymore cuz images are broken and it looks like a thnig done by bunch of lazy newbs just to say, hey we did it, you can use your LL once per 2 months to get few gold collectibles. F**k them and their Legacy shit or whatever they want to call it..

I said at the end of S1 it's all BS, I have experience with EA since PC NHL era, they are worse than politicians before election, they will promise you big things right before start of every season and then you will start S4 just to see how useless all stuff from previous season is.
Lol more worse than politicians. Worst part is you may be right.


All-Star 1
Anyone else confused with what he means considering rep?, at first I thought it was going away for good but I read it again and still not sure if it carries over with the same value
I read it as ..... No more Rep, as we know it, next season. There will be w different form of currency going forward. They will convert what we have into the new currency (but not at a 1:1 rate)


Pro 2
I read it as ..... No more Rep, as we know it, next season. There will be w different form of currency going forward. They will convert what we have into the new currency (but not at a 1:1 rate)

But he made another statement in discord where he said we have a choice - quick sell tokens now for coins which will have a limited role, or keep tokens and exchange for new currency. So he is saying tokens convert to currency. Its not at all clear if he is saying rep points convert or just that the new currency is replacing rep. I’d go with the latter.
Rumors say there will be a set to exchange all s3 tokens for s4 shards to train superstars players or for new currency or whatever.

1 of the arena mode tourneys for next season will probably let you use the Multiyear lineup. That's already better than anything related with the Legacy lineup from past seasons


Rookie 1
We don't even need answers from EA about S4 stuff, we still remember what they said about Legacy Lineups at the end of S1, all the sets/cards/achievements and people spending hours/days to fiinish them to get more points cuz it should help a lot at start of new season.. yea, all that was worth like what, elite player, few golds, silvers + some useless collectibles and these players became garbage in 2 weeks.. also you can see how often we are using legacy lineups lol.. I dont even like to play with my LL anymore cuz images are broken and it looks like a thnig done by bunch of lazy newbs just to say, hey we did it, you can use your LL once per 2 months to get few gold collectibles. F**k them and their Legacy shit or whatever they want to call it..

I said at the end of S1 it's all BS, I have experience with EA since PC NHL era, they are worse than politicians before election, they will promise you big things right before start of every season and then you will start S4 just to see how useless all stuff from previous season is.

I can tell right away from the concept of reset. Also, $159 for a virtual game card? That's basically how much it cost to get the cash to open a high end 'pack' 🤣🤣 which ridiculous. Oh and this is my 9th days of playing.

The question is, how come you play until today? 🤣🤣


Rookie 1
I can tell right away from the concept of reset. Also, $159 for a virtual game card? That's basically how much it cost to get the cash to open a high end 'pack' 🤣🤣 which ridiculous.
Well thats because most people from NBALM S3 team is lazy, incompetent, greedy and arrogant.. a**holes that always care about finding new methods of sucking $ from players wallet but never care about gameplay improvements (even worse, they broke a lot of good things for manual controlled teams just to make AI "better"....).

There is a reason why I said at our league chat that if I ever saw Waggoner on the street I'd throw him under the bus.
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Rookie 1
The issue becomes what ones to save/quicksell. Keep the higher valued ones? As that pesky 1,200 item limit is definitely a problem on the keep end of things.

I guess I'll have to spend hours opening/selling packs on the last day.


Rookie 1
Well thats because most people from NBALM S3 team is lazy, incompetent, greedy and arrogant.. a**holes that always care about finding new methods of sucking $ from players wallet but never care about gameplay improvements (even worse, they broke a lot of good things for manual controlled teams just to make AI "better"....).

There is a reason why I said at our league chat that if I ever saw Waggoner on the street I'd throw him under the bus.

I remember Racing Rivals did this a couple years back. A very iconic racing game that could never be replaced. They are making good profit and starting to become a rip off kinda game, until one time it started to became 'it's all about pay to win' and they make it more like whoever keen to spend the most $$$ only get the fun.

Ending? Thee game shut down last year.

EA is a much better team and I believe they have great business model to play around that red line of which could make the players and fans stay or leave. It's bad, the fact that people are willing to pay to win, natural for us human. Even though this is a video game which is shit, to know some guys out there spend $1-2k for this game during season 3? I feel terrible and sorry for them.


Pro 2
so confusing

I think I get it.

1. All coins transfer - no cap
2. Coins still will be used in ah to buy S4 cards
3. S3 card’s can’t be auctioned in S4 even tho they will be on our multi-year lineup (I didn’t even know anyone was thinking of that possibility), but S3 card’s can be used to level up Superstar cards.

I assume coins will be for ah only, not packs. New currency will be used for packs. I’m perfectly cool with that. I’m absolutely delighted to hear coins will still be the ah currency.


All-Star 1
I think I get it.

1. All coins transfer - no cap
2. Coins still will be used in ah to buy S4 cards
3. S3 card’s can’t be auctioned in S4 even tho they will be on our multi-year lineup (I didn’t even know anyone was thinking of that possibility), but S3 card’s can be used to level up Superstar cards.

I assume coins will be for ah only, not packs. New currency will be used for packs. I’m perfectly cool with that. I’m absolutely delighted to hear coins will still be the ah currency.
But why can't ol B'Wags just say that? Jesus. Why would he think ppl would want to know if we can buy S3 cards, next season? Obviously we want to know how many coins we can take and what we'll be able to use them for. I dislike him more by the hour


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