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Access Passes and Access Pass Sets


Pro 1
I'd picked the 1499.

For a basically guaranteed 98 it looked better than other options to spend cash.
The 5pct bonus is an ok benefit, but only for itself It wouldn't make me pick the pass.
It was the AH tax being basically 0 that was making it great - but it didn't last long.

they didn't exactly specify the ah tax in the pass description - just said an ''and more'' - but it's certain that some people got the pack after hearing that about the ah tax difference and them changing it back quick is not fair play.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'd picked the 1499.

For a basically guaranteed 98 it looked better than other options to spend cash.
The 5pct bonus is an ok benefit, but only for itself It wouldn't make me pick the pass.
It was the AH tax being basically 0 that was making it great - but it didn't last long.

they didn't exactly specify the ah tax in the pass description - just said an ''and more'' - but it's certain that some people got the pack after hearing that about the ah tax difference and them changing it back quick is not fair play.

Yep that's why I was surprised to see the tax cut but not surprised to see the tax cut get cut
Been saving daily 40 cash for months. I purchased the 4999. Zero taxes, 10% more coins/rep & showdown VIP Bonus. 30 tokens for 100 Oladipo.

The 1499 one is trash.


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