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Winter Promo Thread


Pro 1
So far, the only information we have on Winter is that it will begin on Wednesday of next week, December 5th.

I'm sure there will be information leaked leading up to the promo, with the typical promo preview the day before the promo drops from the Gamechangers.

Let's keep this thread updated with any new information on Winter!


Rookie 1
Fire and Ice!!!!!

Don?t know if it will be this or something similar but I started NBA mobile with S2 in February so I missed it and spent most of the rest of the season working with promos, AH etc to get buzzer beater Simmons for my NBA lineup and he stayed in my team for the rest of the season!

There?s some fire and ice chat on discord but nothing from Brian but as above, hopefully some clutch/BB abilities with the players!

Anyone heard anything else?


Pro 1
I hope buzzer beater is put off as long as possible. Clutch can be stopped easily against the AI but BB is another level.


Rookie 3
Yeah, no more buzzer beater especially if it is bugged. I am okay with clutch as long as it can only be activated once. Not that i am not able to grind them but it lessen the enjoyment of the game at least for me.
According to Brian the whole Winter/Christmas/New Years promo will last for around a month.

5th Dec is the first step of the program. Will have a master probably upgradable to 93 ovr.


Rookie 1
Clutch is ok though it would be cool if the hot spot was random. And for buzzer beater, I wish they?d change it so that only half court shots or closer were automatic but full court were maybe 40 or 50% chance instead. Kind of lame to take a full court shot in the last seconds and always make it.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Clutch is ok though it would be cool if the hot spot was random. And for buzzer beater, I wish they?d change it so that only half court shots or closer were automatic but full court were maybe 40 or 50% chance instead. Kind of lame to take a full court shot in the last seconds and always make it.

That sounds good to me.

A clutch player would be nice.

I also missed F&I promo.. that's around the time I started playing this game.


Pro 1
Clutch is ok though it would be cool if the hot spot was random. And for buzzer beater, I wish they?d change it so that only half court shots or closer were automatic but full court were maybe 40 or 50% chance instead. Kind of lame to take a full court shot in the last seconds and always make it.

That sounds good to me.

A clutch player would be nice.

I also missed F&I promo.. that's around the time I started playing this game.

F&I was ridiculous. It was the last full promo before the AH bot.

Gold cards for the promo instantly got sold for 300k+. 87 Devin Booker went for 30m. Crazy stuff.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Clutch is ok though it would be cool if the hot spot was random. And for buzzer beater, I wish they?d change it so that only half court shots or closer were automatic but full court were maybe 40 or 50% chance instead. Kind of lame to take a full court shot in the last seconds and always make it.

That sounds good to me.

A clutch player would be nice.

I also missed F&I promo.. that's around the time I started playing this game.

F&I was ridiculous. It was the last full promo before the AH bot.

Gold cards for the promo instantly got sold for 300k+. 87 Devin Booker went for 30m. Crazy stuff.

Yeah I had to sell golds to get a decent/good line up .. Missed that 30m time lol..


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