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Your Season Score Pack/s Results


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Today is the the day of the update so please share your season score pack results here once you open as it could really help those that may get the game later to avoid certain packs or items as well give us a good idea on what they give out on a wider scale

I bought 5 gold player packs and pulled 5 70s smfh at least they changed their mind on cash only pro packs as there is an option to buy them for 9,999 coins a piece


All-Star 1
Well, I've got 151 tickets so planning the following:

110 1x 80 OVR Elite 80 Def Wiggins
25 1x Gold Starter Pack 72 Def Baynes
10 1x Silver Rookies Pack Who cares
5 1x Beginner Pack Who cares
1 1x Bronze Player Pack Who cares

Edit: Updated


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Im itching like QjB! Bought a ton of now&later packs with all the nba cash i saved all season (10k worth). Is it better to save them or open and sell ASAP? Hopefully the bot is generous.
P.S Ill edit this post with results instead of posting again.

I'd say build your team and sell the rest


Rookie 1
110 tickets - 80 ovr Aldridge
25 tickets - 59, 60 and 70 ovr meats
Silver rookies pack - 2*59 and one 65...
1 ticket pack - 59 meat


Rookie 1
I only had 121 tickets. Got 80 Klay Thompson from the elite pack and nothing special out of a silver rookie pack and the 1 ticket pack.


Rookie 2
80 Davis from elite pack
Gold Reggie Bullock from 25 ticket pack
Gold Andre Roberson and Evan Turner from pro packs.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I suggest not doing the elite player pack unless you plan to sell it to upgrade your team because 110 for 1 card is too much


Pro 1
my team after tickets and 10 pro packs


I skipped the elite, and went 5x25, and then got roughly one of each of the remaining.
However, the 77 came from the pro packs. the golds from the tickets were all 70 ovr.


All-Star 1
I suggest not doing the elite player pack unless you plan to sell it to upgrade your team because 110 for 1 card is too much
I don't disagree this will increase your OVR quicker but 80 elites seem pretty rare and getting +75 golds seems a heck of a lot easier at the moment. So I guess it depends on your goal with the tickets (i.e. Better player or higher OVR sooner).


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I suggest not doing the elite player pack unless you plan to sell it to upgrade your team because 110 for 1 card is too much
I don't disagree this will increase your OVR quicker but 80 elites seem pretty rare and getting +75 golds seems a heck of a lot easier at the moment. So I guess it depends on your goal with the tickets (i.e. Better player or higher OVR sooner).

Well having 5 good players on a starting lineup outweighs 1 really good one because it gives you more options on offense and better defense so it's probably best to do the elite pack and sell it then buy golds or pro packs with the funds but you have to pray you don't pull Westbrook because that card has HORRIBLE stats I pulled 80 Cousins on my alt that has way better stats and I plan on selling it asap


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
my team after tickets and 10 pro packs


I skipped the elite, and went 5x25, and then got roughly one of each of the remaining.
However, the 77 came from the pro packs. the golds from the tickets were all 70 ovr.

Yeah it seems that the ticket packs only give 70s so getting the elite and selling it then picking which golds you want from the AH seems like it would be the better move
I tried both ways (elite and gold packs) and it really doesn't make a difference to your OVR. On the account where I chose the elite pack, I pulled two gold rookies from the Now and Then Pro Packs but that was probably a coincidence.


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