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your progress in harvest promo so far


Rookie 1
I need 64 more tokens for 87 Curry and have obtained two 86 heroes.

I'm pretty confident I'll get the Food Drive Master tokens needed for Tatum, but I'm a little worried about getting those extra 20 Harvest Feast tokens. I have only played the first wins on the food events thus far, so I'll have more stamina to dedicate towards those when I finish Curry, but I plan on exchanging my BF tokens for more feast tokens if possible.


All-Star 3
Just to give people an idea..
Main account.. 2 83s 2 86s 85 curry; was playing first win curry and feast events and remaining stamina to curry. After i finished curry, only first win curry. Rest to feast. Need 14 feast tokens for tatum and have abt 80 tokens for 87 curry
Alt account .. 4 83s sold immediately. First 4 days similar strategy. After that all stamina to curry. Now 87 curry. 375 tokens towards the 89


Rookie 1
I've got 2 86's and 2 83's unlocked, so enough of the master tokens to get Tatum. Did some calculation last night and if i just play the first wins i should have enough tokens to complete Tatum and with the remaining stamina, get Curry to 87.


All-Star 1
Anyone else having trouble accumulating Harvest feast tokens for the 89s? 600 stamina for 1 token, you need 20 so 12,000 stamina needed (excluding bonus packs & the daily coin pack). I've literally played nothing else and the most I can get is 2-3 tokens a day.
You only need 300 stamina for one token. Just do the first win events and grind each event one more time. So long as you have 1 token of each, you're able to get a Feast token every 6 hours.
Ive been doing that and get 3 a day. By the time im done with the first wins, i play each event one more time and my stamina is done at that point. 1 every 6 hours = 3 a day for me.
I?d advise against playing the extra feast events and using the bonus tokens and store pack for the balance required to complete the set at least until we see what BF sets/packs we get. I?d put stamina into Curry blitz sets until then.


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