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your progress in harvest promo so far

Grinded 3 86s to get the tokens for Tatum. Halfway done with Tatum and got Curry at 85ovr. Balancing trying to get Tatum and 89 Curry is now the challenge.


All-Star 3
Grinded 3 86s to get the tokens for Tatum. Halfway done with Tatum and got Curry at 85ovr. Balancing trying to get Tatum and 89 Curry is now the challenge.

2 86s and 2 83s .. need feast tokens for tatum. Should get by Friday i guess..
Curry 89 real challenge


Rookie 1
Got 3 86 heros and 49 tokens away from 87 Curry. I will try and get 87 Curry by the end of today. Looking to get Tatum within the week as I get Feast tokens for him.


Rookie 3
Got 3 86s, 4 feast tokens for my first master and curry at 85 on both accounts. I would go for both tatum and mutombo and curry at 87 if possible. Hope BF give us tokens to be used for harvest.
I need 98 more tokens for 87 Curry. I already have 2 83 heroes & 2 86 heroes for Tatum. Only need those 20 Feast tokens for him.

I have 171 BF tokens at this moment.


Rookie 1
I have 177 BF tokens.

To complete Tatum I only need 72 / 54 / 78 (Mashed/Pumpkin/Roasted). With 12 per day, I'll get him for sure, if possible I'll try a third 86 ovr.

Also need 20 tokens to 87 Curry, will get him in the next hours. With 7 days left I'll only need 57 tokens per day.

That was a great promo!
Anyone else having trouble accumulating Harvest feast tokens for the 89s? 600 stamina for 1 token, you need 20 so 12,000 stamina needed (excluding bonus packs & the daily coin pack). I've literally played nothing else and the most I can get is 2-3 tokens a day.


Rookie 1
Anyone else having trouble accumulating Harvest feast tokens for the 89s? 600 stamina for 1 token, you need 20 so 12,000 stamina needed (excluding bonus packs & the daily coin pack). I've literally played nothing else and the most I can get is 2-3 tokens a day.

If you play the first win events, you should be able to get at least 3 feast tokens everyday. Plus the daily 5 token pack + 4 bonus packs. Play the events a few times and you should be able to get 1 or 2 more feast tokens. So around 5 feast tokens per day. I'm averaging around 4, but i'm mainly focusing on Curry and building Tatum slowly.
On my main account, I am 156/400 toward Curry and need the 20 Harvest Feast tokens for Tatum.

On my alt, I need 13 Feast tokens for Tatum but still haven't claimed the 85 Curry.

I guess that tells you which order you should have done the promo in.
Anyone else having trouble accumulating Harvest feast tokens for the 89s? 600 stamina for 1 token, you need 20 so 12,000 stamina needed (excluding bonus packs & the daily coin pack). I've literally played nothing else and the most I can get is 2-3 tokens a day.

You only need 300 stamina for one token. Just do the first win events and grind each event one more time. So long as you have 1 token of each, you're able to get a Feast token every 6 hours.
Anyone else having trouble accumulating Harvest feast tokens for the 89s? 600 stamina for 1 token, you need 20 so 12,000 stamina needed (excluding bonus packs & the daily coin pack). I've literally played nothing else and the most I can get is 2-3 tokens a day.
You only need 300 stamina for one token. Just do the first win events and grind each event one more time. So long as you have 1 token of each, you're able to get a Feast token every 6 hours.
Ive been doing that and get 3 a day. By the time im done with the first wins, i play each event one more time and my stamina is done at that point. 1 every 6 hours = 3 a day for me.
Anyone else having trouble accumulating Harvest feast tokens for the 89s? 600 stamina for 1 token, you need 20 so 12,000 stamina needed (excluding bonus packs & the daily coin pack). I've literally played nothing else and the most I can get is 2-3 tokens a day.
You only need 300 stamina for one token. Just do the first win events and grind each event one more time. So long as you have 1 token of each, you're able to get a Feast token every 6 hours.
Ive been doing that and get 3 a day. By the time im done with the first wins, i play each event one more time and my stamina is done at that point. 1 every 6 hours = 3 a day for me.

You should be able to get four even with sleep. But even with three a day you ought to finish an 89, especially with the extra stamina rewards.


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