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Yalahat's 96 OVR Franchise [07/05 Update]


Rookie 1
So, here is!

NBA Lineup:


Finals Steph Curry 101: I'm trying to get a good Curry card since the Harvest Promo. Finally was able to cop one, and it's by far the best PG I have ever played. Also, he is lvl 1, I was able to boost him 2 lvls with my bench + coach bonus.

Master James Harden 97: FINALLY!!!!

Royalty LeBron 99: LVL 4 right now, will max him out. No intentions in replace him.

Legendary Pau Gasol 98: The best player in my team. My favorite card so far, I don't imagine replacing him anytime soon.

PO Myles Turner 100: Bugdet beast. Would replace for Titan DeAndre Jordan, or some Anthony Davis All-NBA First Team.


Prince Simmons 93: Great boost and it's balanced. Fit my coach style.

F&I Iverson 96: Was my active player, but was replaced by Harden. Good over, great boost.

NY Giannis 97: Was my active player, but was replaced by...
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Rookie 2
Re: Yalahat's 95 OVR Franchise

Very well made lineups. I like how your classic lineup starters are all AI beasts and everyone on the bench has a ton of boosts.

Coach synergy is also noticeable with mostly balanced/power players.

Don't have much to suggest other than the obvious classic PF improvement.


Rookie 1
Re: Yalahat's 95 OVR Franchise

Very well made lineups. I like how your classic lineup starters are all AI beasts and everyone on the bench has a ton of boosts.

Coach synergy is also noticeable with mostly balanced/power players.

Don't have much to suggest other than the obvious classic PF improvement.

Oh, who you think I should cop for this position? Thank you!


Rookie 1
Re: Yalahat's 96 OVR Franchise [06/18 Update]

Update 06/18:


-> Changed AS Kyrie Irving 95 for Finals Curry 101

-> Changed F&I Iverson 96 for Master Harden 97

-> Royalty Lebron is now lvl 4


-> Changed AS Thompson 93 for F&I Iverson 96

-> Changed NY Cauley-Stein for UL Howard for my bench

-> Changed NY Porzingis for NY Anderson

-> Changed Showdown Coach Kerr for Plat Showdown Coach Brad Stevens


Rookie 1
Nice lineups, especially with the heavy boosts coming from your bench. I want that Giannis but he's probably way out of my budget


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