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Wow check out this line up from showdown #1 ranked


Rookie 3
Wonder how many dollars this cost.


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Pro 1
You can get all of those cards F2P except Vince but I’d say somewhere in the ballpark of thousands
Not that impressive, really. You would think p2w would be higher OVR. They have drip fed the higher OVR platinums this season.


All-Star 3
Not that impressive, really. You would think p2w would be higher OVR. They have drip fed the higher OVR platinums this season.
109 is the max..
I'm pretty happy with the way they maintained the gap between p2p and f2p.. I felt in the last few months of season 2 the gap was too huge


Rookie 1
the interesting one is number 2 actually. as i remember its 104 ovr. he should be still on the top10 at least


All-Star 3
the interesting one is number 2 actually. as i remember its 104 ovr. he should be still on the top10 at least
People in the top reduce their ovr to get matched up with lower ovr players.. usually all or most of their starting 5 will be great


Rookie 1
Whether you pay for your team or not, to get to the top of the showdown rankings & maintain your position there, the most abundant & valuable resource being invested is time.
That being said, though, I don't believe one can compete for the absolute top spots until reaching a 103OVR regardless of the time committed.
(&, after 35 days into my franchise, I am at a 104 with only $19 spent, so, it wouldn't have taken much longer to reach the same spot had I not spent that little bit.)
109 is the max..
I'm pretty happy with the way they maintained the gap between p2p and f2p.. I felt in the last few months of season 2 the gap was too huge

It should be bigger, IMO. If I were p2w I would expect a larger gap. I would be particularly annoyed with the AH cap given how easy it’s been for f2p to amass coins.


All-Star 3
It should be bigger, IMO. If I were p2w I would expect a larger gap. I would be particularly annoyed with the AH cap given how easy it’s been for f2p to amass coins.
Then the f2p would be disgruntled.. at the end of the day u need the f2p as much as u need the p2p..
As it is now, the p2p have an advantage but it's not so overwhelming that the f2p quit..


Pro 1
Then the f2p would be disgruntled.. at the end of the day u need the f2p as much as u need the p2p..
As it is now, the p2p have an advantage but it's not so overwhelming that the f2p quit..
Right. Nor is it so overwhelming that spenders stop spending.
And the main reason a p2p spends it’s to get an edge over the top f2p players. So EA needs f2p to be right behind p2p so that the pressure is always there. (I thought about rephrasing this last sentence but it’s damn funny so I’ll leave it 😆)


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