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Winter snow pass worth it?


Rookie 1


Rookie 1
Has it been confirmed if those buying pass today or later in the week still get a full 7 days of benefits or will they all expire the same day?
Just to clarify:

The winter pass is for 7 days from purchase. It will come back to the store once the one you bought expires.

Snowflakes & Snowballs tokens are only for Magic. New players will need new tokens.


Rookie 1
Just to clarify:

The winter pass is for 7 days from purchase. It will come back to the store once the one you bought expires.

Snowflakes & Snowballs tokens are only for Magic. New players will need new tokens.

Are you sure snowflakes are also used only for magic? I thought they are going to be used for future sets too.
Just to clarify:

The winter pass is for 7 days from purchase. It will come back to the store once the one you bought expires.

Snowflakes & Snowballs tokens are only for Magic. New players will need new tokens.

Are you sure snowflakes are also used only for magic? I thought they are going to be used for future sets too.

Yep. As of right now yes. They could change their minds but i dont see that happening.


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