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Winter Signatures out now


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Signatures out today

I got the $30 pack. Pulled Mo Bamba... to the AH he goes.


Rookie 2
Re: Signatures out today

I got the $30 pack. Pulled Mo Bamba... to the AH he goes.

haha, I gotten him too.

But as my prior starter Ben Wallace Halloween 84 is merely just that, having Mo Bamba to take over helped a lot in shoring that Defensive lineup...I now can win more games as Bamba starts while Wallace is on bench.


Rookie 1
They are selling for soo cheap now. Hopefully their prices go up because I got 2 porzingos for 2.8 mil and 3 mil, so it would suck ass if there price of 1.5 mil doesn?t go back up after the promo or else I?d be loosing major coins smfh.


All-Star 1
Same boat for me. Grabbed Porzi for 3 mil to check him out, figuring I could get rid of him without much loss if I did I want him. Now I'm stuck...


Rookie 1
Same boat for me. Grabbed Porzi for 3 mil to check him out, figuring I could get rid of him without much loss if I did I want him. Now I'm stuck...

Yea we should have been patient. I didn?t like the way that his white signature card looked on my team, so I picked up the red signature thinking that I would be able to sell off the white signature and they?d cancel each others price out. Now im just hoping his price goes back up to atleast 2.8 mil so I can sell off the white signature and make up for the losses, that?s what I get for being picky lol. On the bright side though, his card is a complete beast for me so atleast I didnt loose hella coins on a wack card.


Rookie 1
I got 90 adams from 19.99 Pack and I sold him for 2 mil.

So happy the prices went down. I snagged an 89 Buddy Hield for 535k. Such a beast card!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief


Stewie is that your ID? Your Giannis AI is imba pro, great lineup

Yeah that was me lol I sniped that Giannis for 1,639,000 and I was in the middle of testing some combos and unfortunately I couldn't make it work so I'm trying to sell it now if it truly does have the same cap as 90s then I may just buy some more C cards to make a winning combo once I switched to the KG and Jokic combo I played much better but the team chemistry with any Sig cards so far hasn't felt right


Rookie 1


Stewie is that your ID? Your Giannis AI is imba pro, great lineup

Yeah that was me lol I sniped that Giannis for 1,639,000 and I was in the middle of testing some combos and unfortunately I couldn't make it work so I'm trying to sell it now if it truly does have the same cap as 90s then I may just buy some more C cards to make a winning combo once I switched to the KG and Jokic combo I played much better but the team chemistry with any Sig cards so far hasn't felt right

1.6mil is relatively cheap for 94Ovr signature card, I believe you can sell it even higher price and profit


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief


Stewie is that your ID? Your Giannis AI is imba pro, great lineup

Yeah that was me lol I sniped that Giannis for 1,639,000 and I was in the middle of testing some combos and unfortunately I couldn't make it work so I'm trying to sell it now if it truly does have the same cap as 90s then I may just buy some more C cards to make a winning combo once I switched to the KG and Jokic combo I played much better but the team chemistry with any Sig cards so far hasn't felt right

1.6mil is relatively cheap for 94Ovr signature card, I believe you can sell it even higher price and profit

The card sells instantly whenever it makes it to the market the problem is that it likely can only be sold for less than 3 mil since I haven't seen any 90+ cards sell for more than 3.3 or 3.4 mil


Pro 1
There?s a 99 Wade and a 100 KAT.

In total the overall of the new Sigs range from 94-100.

No way of knowing the rest of the players until they fix their mishaps.


Rookie 1
There?s a 99 Wade and a 100 KAT.

In total the overall of the new Sigs range from 94-100.

No way of knowing the rest of the players until they fix their mishaps.

I think you should have made a new thread instead of replying to an old one.

I feel like EA just rolls these out whenever they need some quick cash, they are released so sporadically.


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