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Will EA ever fix dang gameplay?


All-Star 1
I'm having the opposite issue in SD but it really hasn't changed since the update. I consistently perform better against higher OVR teams and struggle against the same or lower OVR. I have noticed it getting better with significantly lower OVR. For example, this morning (as an 87) I played a 90 and a 87 trying to complete daily objectives. I won my 90 match by 10 and my AI was within 3. For the 87, I won by 12 and lost by 17. When I say I have issues against lower OVR, it's usually my AI. When you think about it, that's consistent for my gameplay (i.e. if I play well against higher OVR's and my AI plays well against them too then they're struggling with their manual play against my lower OVR AI).


Rookie 1
I don't see how anyone can say gameplay is improved when we've had the EXACT SAME gameplay since the birth of this game. What exactly has improved? Dunks are the same, rebounds are the same, shooting is the same, etc. The only thing that has been added to gameplay is new indicators, that's it.

People need to stop saying that gameplay has improved when NOTHING has changed and NOTHING has been added to improve it. All this does is give developers a false sense of accomplishment when they've literally done nothing to gameplay. I'm I missing a secret update that specifically mentions & addresses improvements to gameplay, because there's been NONE since inception. When major improvements do happen we will hear about them because we will be told via twitter, discord or the update screen in the store. But for now subjective experiences such as all of a sudden getting more rebounds does not mean that an actual improvement has been made when no update exists for said improvement.
I agree with you again, there is no new gameplay, nothing is really fixed or improved. EA is using one and the same old game since 2016. All they did was playing with human/AI gameplay sliders and we all know what they did to human rebounding slider or AI shooting. No comments. All I like about S3 are just nice graphics for promos.. that's it. They did nothing to make this game fresh and enjoyable.

Sucks that game with big potential like NBALM is now like old christmas tree and all EA is doing is adding new fancy lights to it.


Rookie 1
btw I'm not sure if EA ever fix this game but looks like new NBA 2k Mobile (not 2k19) can help a lot with it

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.catdaddy.nba2km (sorry if it was posted before in other thread, but I couldn't find andy news about it).


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
btw I'm not sure if EA ever fix this game but looks like new NBA 2k Mobile (not 2k19) can help a lot with it

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.catdaddy.nba2km (sorry if it was posted before in other thread, but I couldn't find andy news about it).

Fwiw there's a thread specifically about that game transitioning from soft launch to world wide release hut it's all good lol


Rookie 1
btw I'm not sure if EA ever fix this game but looks like new NBA 2k Mobile (not 2k19) can help a lot with it

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.catdaddy.nba2km (sorry if it was posted before in other thread, but I couldn't find andy news about it).

Fwiw there's a thread specifically about that game transitioning from soft launch to world wide release hut it's all good lol
I was searching for something in google store hour ago and just found it accidentally.. I had hopes to play it soon on my new S7.. ehhh ;/


Rookie 1
Anyone expecting gameplay changes is going to be majorly disappointed, because this game is running on a PS3/360 engine and based on a heavily-modified version of NBA Live 10, according to Brian. The excuse is, engineers with the skillset to work on the animation system are scarce, but they are getting someone trained. Training an engineer to new gameplay implementation, who knows how long that'd take? lol


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