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Will Anything Good Be Auctionable?!?


Rookie 1
Is anyone else wondering why aside from impossible to grind for cards or cards from expensive packs only are the only ones that are auctionable now? It has been this way since the start of the winter promo. For example, the frozen players were pack only and the only way you could really complete the promo and level up the masters, but they weren't auctionable. Next, the christmas day players aren't auctionable after they give us a grindable one. Now this promo, not only can you not just grind for one master 94, but the 92 players are not auctionable and are the only way you'd be able to complete the promo. I didn't mind spending on ghosts because they are auctionable and have great ability, but this is getting out of hand. The game seems to be becoming pay to play for most things now. I don't mind with some things, such as insane players, but not everything. When will the auction house be a part of promos again? We used to be able to pay if we wanted to and make sets using players...
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Rookie 1
Re: Will Anything Be Auctionable?!?


The auction house is essentially dead which, unbeknownst to the developers, is an integral part of ?playing? the game. As if it?s not blatantly obvious that they?re doing it so people buy cash/packs *bc they obviously really need the money* versus using coins/AH strategy.

There is no real balance for those who don?t have money to spend ? they?re in a position where, bluntly, they are unable to keep up with the game unless they devote an unreasonable amount of time to grinding and even then...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The players were said to be made auctionable when the promo stuff goes away so once they're no longer able to be used for promo sets then you can sell them I don't know if they will follow through with it but that's what was said by them so that's all I have to go by


Rookie 1
Gotcha. What about future promos- will they have cards that can be used for promo sets be auctionable again or will this basically be pay to play from here on out? The auction house has always been a great way to either profit from a useless promo or to help complete a great promo. I feel like they're getting really greedy since the Halloween promo, which was the last time cards for sets were auctionable.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Gotcha. What about future promos- will they have cards that can be used for promo sets be auctionable again or will this basically be pay to play from here on out? The auction house has always been a great way to either profit from a useless promo or to help complete a great promo. I feel like they're getting really greedy since the Halloween promo, which was the last time cards for sets were auctionable.

I have no idea they don't release info for promos so far in advance hopefully they stop doing this shit because it is annoying for sure
Agreed. Thanks!

Unfortunately, the reason it hasn't been this way since Halloween is because it allowed players with tons of coins to bypass grinding and/or buying packs to speed progress. It sucks, but that's, why. Some players managed to make millions earlier in the season due to the coach glitch, and of course it was nothing to drop the 500k-1M needed to complete Halloween masters. Hell, i didn't have millions and even I was able to get all the masters via the elites in AH lol. I do agree, they need to find some sort of balance here. No one in their right mind is gonna pull a 92 ovr at this point of the game and say "well, i better put it in the exchange set!" They should have just not had an elite exchange and made the cards not have an impact on promo progress, that way they are at least auctionable mid-promo. Hell, they should do the same with the 90 masters but they've said they don't wanna deal with people "accidentally" (or intentionally, who knows) auctioning a 90 and being unable to finish the set. At least that's the reason they gave for previous players being unauctionable from sets (83-87 Curry, any Magic under 93, etc).

It's pretty simple. They don't want players with tens of millions of coins to have a huge advantage more than they already do lol. Again, they should be able to find some sort of balance, though because right now there's very little ways to make coins via the AH unless you're educated.
Pay to win. What? I am getting all the masters for free. I hope this continues for a long time. The best promos are those that do not need the AH for nothing. Grinders all the way.

"not only can you not just grind for one master 94" ---> Wrong


Rookie 1
I agree with the Halloween promo being out of hand-I strictly used coins myself for it. I have 18 million coins now from spending money and selling ghosts I didn't need (sadly got doubles when I was hoping for Iverson to have them all-I didn't buy him initially because I had ghost gifts and thought he'd be easier to get in the ah). I would hate to use a 92 in a set when realistically it'd be logical to either put it in a lineup or sell it for coins to someone that needs the player more. They used to have lower overalls that you could put in sets for collectibles that were auctionable before. I wish the frozen players were auctionable like that because cashing in an 86 isn't a big deal right now. Coins don't really matter right now so I'm not trying to make any but I know there are always tricks. Hopefully they'll figure out a balance soon.


Rookie 1
What are you doing bigballer? Please share your knowledge. This promo you'd need to make all 3 players 93 overall to even get the 94s. Some of us work and have a life and can't grind all day and night. I've used watching ads for free stamina and grinded and I'm almost at 93 penny (need about 85 more collectibles), but realistically unless I spend countless hours away from my wife and kid, I won't get the 94 master in this promo. With 93 Magic, unless you bought the snow pass all 3 times, you probably won't get 93 magic since snowballs were only given out a few per day after you cash in snowflakes. The north pole you could probably get 1 master through grinding, but even then you probably wouldn't be able to fully train the master without spending since it costs 180k elite training tickets. If this game is your entire existence then sure you can probably get all masters through grinding, but when it's not, it's either pay to play or nothing. The auction house promos are better in my opinion because they allow you to messhe coins, which can be used on future upgrade players, it allows you to spend less time grinding, and if you pay, you aren't spending a crazy amount of money. I feel like if you buy a $100 or $50 bundle it should have much more of an impact than it does. Right now even doing those doesn't guarantee you getting a master. Trust me on that as I did it last promo.


All-Star 3
Ill play devils advocate here as i hated the old 'AH' method of grinding i.e. sniping and am happy with the way things are but do miss some AH activity.. a big pull which earlier seasons would mean more now rarely means much.. but i like the fact that ghost players are capped at 3 mill in the old ah system they would be at some absurd price like 99 mill..
Now as kmc says, u need to spend a lot of time to do 'well' in the game now.. i got all 3 masters to 93 and 92 penny and malone as of now.. the problen is money spenders need to spend a lot.. which is where i think the problem is.. u shouldnt have to spend 100$ to get a leg up..
in this promo, the purpose of the elites seems to be either buy and trade in or lucky pulls (lot of people seem to have pulled 92 cards)..
I think ea is still trying to figure out 'the middle ground'.. till they do im ok with the game as is..
I will get 93 Penny tomorrow. So a 93 every 3 days, you can get a 94 for sure. But i won't do it, not worth the effort when we will have plats in February.

You can still make money from the AH doing the bot glitch of the week, like snipping 80 elites or whatever it is. But is super tedious.


Rookie 3
Not good in ah so recent promos are favorable on my playing style where you didn't have to have bunch of millions to be succesful. Last season i can't get a single master if not for the ah gold glitch towards the end of the season. Now, even though i only have a million, through grinding i am able to get at least 2 or all masters. Though i am also fine if ea will balance it out so promos will work for those who use ah and those who are not.
Halloween wasn't as profitable as they would have liked because they loosened up the AH restrictions and the price of promo elites crashed. That is why they have shied away from including the AH as part of recent promos. They would rather people purchase accelerator content through the store or generate revenue through ads than have folks work the AH to complete Masters. I can't see this model changing any time soon. Even if they make the promo cards auctionable afterward, they won't be worth much in the current market. The 92s would probably sell well in the first 24 hours then fall in price as the signature cards did.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What do we think the price will be early on for 94 fireworks masters?

The same price as ghost cards then Pippen and Malone would fall in price after that due to weaker stats then the ghost/s in their positions and the fact that they don't have abilities


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Halloween wasn't as profitable as they would have liked because they loosened up the AH restrictions and the price of promo elites crashed. That is why they have shied away from including the AH as part of recent promos. They would rather people purchase accelerator content through the store or generate revenue through ads than have folks work the AH to complete Masters. I can't see this model changing any time soon. Even if they make the promo cards auctionable afterward, they won't be worth much in the current market. The 92s would probably sell well in the first 24 hours then fall in price as the signature cards did.



Rookie 1
Im never spending money with EA ever again. I buy snow passes and pack after pack just to have them come out with 94 pgs with abilities before anyone even has the ability to complete Magic without spending hundreds of dollars. Pay to win is out of control. Teams who have never spent a dime have 87 ovrs with Ghost players just because they got lucky. im a 91 ovr spend cash and cant pull anything good to save my life. Im mad I ever spent a dime on this game.


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