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Will 100 OVR players maintain its price or will it drop?


Rookie 2
I have 101 OVR Kristaps and was wondering as more 100/101 OVR TOTY players are released will his price drop? Looking to unload him and get lesser priced players like Capella (less 20M) for the SD Bonus.



Pro 1
If/when a better card becomes available for that position, it will drop. Right now it's one of the top 5 PF's in the game (maybe the best, if you like a PF that shoots 3's).

But it's my first season, so i not even sure if better cards will come out.
IMO it?s unlikely current prices will hold or increase regardless of whether new TOTY players are released so if your only goal is to maximize profit then yeah why not sell him for a cheaper 100+ player? AH prices seem way inflated overall, how sustainable will it all be before prices crash? Anyway, aren?t you like a top 25 ranked player or something? Couldn?t you maintain top 100 even without the SD bonus? I see that not everyone in top 100 even has that bonus at the moment, and I?m easily in top 250 without the bonus all week.
I have 101 OVR Kristaps and was wondering as more 100/101 OVR TOTY players are released will his price drop? Looking to unload him and get lesser priced players like Capella (less 20M) for the SD Bonus.



Rookie 2
IMO it?s unlikely current prices will hold or increase regardless of whether new TOTY players are released so if your only goal is to maximize profit then yeah why not sell him for a cheaper 100+ player? AH prices seem way inflated overall, how sustainable will it all be before prices crash? Anyway, aren?t you like a top 25 ranked player or something? Couldn?t you maintain top 100 even without the SD bonus? I see that not everyone in top 100 even has that bonus at the moment, and I?m easily in top 250 without the bonus all week.
I have 101 OVR Kristaps and was wondering as more 100/101 OVR TOTY players are released will his price drop? Looking to unload him and get lesser priced players like Capella (less 20M) for the SD Bonus.

Currently at 38. I was top 15 first week and up to yesterday.. but it seems a lot of players are making a push. So It will be tough to finish top 100 w/o the bonus.
Checking the rankings only 700,000 fans between me and the 100th place..


Rookie 1
If they change the bonus you might find a lot more in the ah but what if they change the bonus to 2 100 ovr players.


Rookie 1
Last season the AH began to crash in early September due to EA releasing a flood of free 96's, and it steadily dropped all the way to the end. This year it's pretty much pay to play if you want 100 ovr's so far. Your guesses are as good as anybody's whether prices will stay high but be cashed up if they don't.


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