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Why do I keep losing?


Rookie 3
When I play the show down I beat people by 4 to 12 points most of them are higher rank than me then when the automated game play kicks in I lose by 4 to 12 points why is that? Some people are rank one point below me some people are ranked 1 to 2 points above me I still beat them and then lose over all with auto play. I have the ua court active for nba line up and jersey for 3 post and 5 defense rebounds active.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
They played better than you simple as that and I'm changing your title as it has no context on your situation


Rookie 3
They played better than you simple as that and I'm changing your title as it has no context on your situation
when you say they're better than me how do you define that if I beat them in the part that I'm playing against them by 4 to 10 points and then when the automative portion kicks in that I can't play anymore and they come back and beat the team how's the define that there better than me?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
when you say they're better than me how do you define that if I beat them in the part that I'm playing against them by 4 to 10 points and then when the automative portion kicks in that I can't play anymore and they come back and beat the team how's the define that there better than me?
There is no automative portion you and the other user each play 1 quarter and the scores are then combined you play their AI and they play your AI you each get a turn that needs to be played within that 10 minute period


Rookie 3
There is no automative portion you and the other user each play 1 quarter and the scores are then combined you play their AI and they play your AI you each get a turn that needs to be played within that 10 minute period
So when I play there hey I and beat that way I buy let's say six points then I guess Dave play my AI and beat my AI by 7 points that's why I'm losing. But why is that happening even if I am at 104 and they are at let's say 102 can my AI just not beat them?


Rookie 3
So when I play there hey I and beat that way I buy let's say six points then I guess Dave play my AI and beat my AI by 7 points that's why I'm losing. But why is that happening even if I am at 104 and they are at let's say 102 can my AI just not beat them?
I'm sorry I'm using voice text and instead of saying AI it says hey


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So when I play there hey I and beat that way I buy let's say six points then I guess Dave play my AI and beat my AI by 7 points that's why I'm losing. But why is that happening even if I am at 104 and they are at let's say 102 can my AI just not beat them?
Yes that's what that means and as far as your AI the overall isn't everything it's a big thing but skill, luck, and even just randomness come into play for what you lose to lower overalls


Rookie 1
You AI doesn't play the same way you do....say you rely on the 3 and score quickly....they may play like other people's AI's and hold the ball forever and look to score 2's rather than 3's,


Rookie 3
You AI doesn't play the same way you do....say you rely on the 3 and score quickly....they may play like other people's AI's and hold the ball forever and look to score 2's rather than 3's,
Interesting, that's unfortunate that they don't clone my game style.


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