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Who is your favorite all around player in the game?

I'm really liking 103 Kidd & 104 Kawhi. I found Kawhi weird to play with at first but his grown on me especially when you learn to do the step back buzzer beater for a 3 instead of a 2. I'm really surprised by Kidd, so far his been good at everything. But as soon as I start facing higher ovr PGs that might change real quick.


Pro 2
104 Kawhi. I can’t believe one of the youtube “experts” said Melo is the better card just by comparing attributes. For starters the ovr matters too. A 104 that boosts to 106 with -1 numbers on the left side will (typically) play better than the 103 that boosts to 104 even with +1 numbers on the left side.


Rookie 1
Elevate Hassan Whiteside (maxed out).....I've got the one that started at 82 I don't even want to see how amazing the 92 one would be. He's just a beast....defensively he basically pushes people away when he blocks out. He's a human vacuum cleaner on the boards, a freight train as he drives down the lane in the paint. Slams, put-backs, even steals and of course a one man wall with blocks....heck I'll even chuck up a 3 or two with him when he's open.

Prefaced by saying I've got +45 in boosts on him. I would love to know how to boost him to a 105 if that's even possible....I haven't come across him at 105 yet.

I have also recently enjoyed 103 VanVleet. I only got him to fit into my all-time Dinos roster, but after hitting on a BoB McGrady needed to use him to keep the 5 Def guys to max Boomer's Boosts. He has been a green light defender against every other pg I've come up against, great OBD and steals and has been very consistent on his 3's for me (again I'm sure the +45 boost helps).


Pro 2
Elevate Hassan Whiteside (maxed out).....I've got the one that started at 82 I don't even want to see how amazing the 92 one would be. He's just a beast....defensively he basically pushes people away when he blocks out. He's a human vacuum cleaner on the boards, a freight train as he drives down the lane in the paint. Slams, put-backs, even steals and of course a one man wall with blocks....heck I'll even chuck up a 3 or two with him when he's open.

Prefaced by saying I've got +45 in boosts on him. I would love to know how to boost him to a 105 if that's even possible....I haven't come across him at 105 yet.

I have also recently enjoyed 103 VanVleet. I only got him to fit into my all-time Dinos roster, but after hitting on a BoB McGrady needed to use him to keep the 5 Def guys to max Boomer's Boosts. He has been a green light defender against every other pg I've come up against, great OBD and steals and has been very consistent on his 3's for me (again I'm sure the +45 boost helps).

I happen to have both. The first pic is the 82. The second pic is an overlay of the 92 on the 82. IMO the 82 is the better card. The loss in post, SWC, Contested, and Rebounds pushes me away from the elevated 92 — can’t get past the 110 and 106’s.

Elevated 82 Whiteside

Elevated 92 on 82 overlay.



Rookie 1
jimmy butler was good all round but unsurprising kawhi just next level esp on offense

really like KG too just does everything well for me


Rookie 1
On a budget, original Elevate Gordon Hayward (better if you can earn the one in Elevate pack). A constant 3-pt shooter and good defender thanks to his height.


Rookie 1
I'd say Ben Simmons. I always had loads of fun using him and for some reason his height makes his 3pt actually consistent, and of course he's great at everything else


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