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Who is your favorite 3pt shooter in the game?


Rookie 1
Ur a 97 rt now rt... ya same here.. 95 harden and hayward... did u try drexler?
I'm a 96.5 that's a 96. I miscalculated when I sold Harden because I thought I'd still be a 97 when I got LBJ. I need balanced 96 Hayward or Green but then I'm locked into 95 Harden if I get the (cheaper) former. Waiting to see what tomorrow brings for the GOTW sets.

I did have Drexler but sold him. Hard to say how he'd play with my current lineup. Holding out for Harden Chapter 3 now.

There's a 98 Bogdan Bogdanovic tomorrow of not next week but it's a bench only card because the stats are horrible

the cards are nerfed in the event, about 10 for each stat. Doncic has a 82 3pt rating.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm a 96.5 that's a 96. I miscalculated when I sold Harden because I thought I'd still be a 97 when I got LBJ. I need balanced 96 Hayward or Green but then I'm locked into 95 Harden if I get the (cheaper) former. Waiting to see what tomorrow brings for the GOTW sets.

I did have Drexler but sold him. Hard to say how he'd play with my current lineup. Holding out for Harden Chapter 3 now.

There's a 98 Bogdan Bogdanovic tomorrow of not next week but it's a bench only card because the stats are horrible

the cards are nerfed in the event, about 10 for each stat. Doncic has a 82 3pt rating.

I was gonna say that it would be helpful if I knew where they got that picture from then I saw it was in the first ASW campaign I don't know why I didn't notice it there until now


Pro 1
Definitely 101 Lillard. That +5 3PT made a MASSIVE difference. Haven’t went below 20 points in a SD game in over 10 games now (Lillard is my only card with an ability). He’s missed only 3 shots in the games I’ve used him in.


Pro 2
The best is whoever the latest card is with a good 3 rating, and before that card gets brutally nerfed to “encourage” us to get the next new best 3 card about to drop.


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