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Who is your BEST 3-pointer Gameplay (not stats) ?


Rookie 1
Hello all,

rely a lot on 3 points, mainly for my PG. Last year, F&I maxed out Ben Simmons was doing amazing for me.

This season 3, surprisingly T-Mac 87 has been doing GREAT. I can't remove him from my starting lineup but I need to cause I'm ONLY 90OVR. Who's the best option, if any?

I've tried Hayward maxed out, NP Harris for SG and also 90Curry, 92Penny, 90Magic, NP George, NP KG... but it's just not the same !

PG : Curry90 (can be 100% in few games, and then miss 3 in a row)
SF: NP George (but he's more like a 50/50 guy)
PF: NP Garnett (but I'm scared to use him :lol:)
C: Legend Mourning :lol:

What about you? Who are your most reliable 3-pointesr per position, regarldless of statistics


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
93 Penny and 94 Markkanen are my go to 3pt shooters with 94 AI and 92 Kawhi as my next options and 94 Russell only for a buzzer beater 3


Rookie 1
93 Penny and 94 Markkanen are my go to 3pt shooters with 94 AI and 92 Kawhi as my next options and 94 Russell only for a buzzer beater 3

Thanks !

I'll try to reach 93 Penny,
as for Markkanen, slightly above budget (i just have 2,5mil now)

Any other 90+ options?


All-Star 1
93 NP George rarely seems to miss. BF and 93 NP Oladipo seem to hit 75% of the time. 93 Magic is my go to.... depending on the nerfing/ difficulty of the game, he'll get streaky once in a while but from certain spots he's always $


All-Star 1
I?ve found that it?s not so much the shooter himself vs the circumstances of the shot. For example, I thought 90 Curry could never miss on pull up 3?s at the elbows. Then I got 90/91 Magic and started doing the same ?open? shot with him and he couldn?t miss. Then I got 94 Sexton who by all rights should be a terrible 3pt shooter but even he makes that shot (as well as open corner 3?s).

I use 94 AI, 93 NP George as well as 94 Markkanen and I find Sexton to be as reliable if not more in most cases than ANY of those 3. I got Markkanen because KG wasn?t as reliable at the top of the key 3 that most people like to take on the first possession. Markkanen is better but with a 90 3pt % he should be nearly automatic on a perfect release in that situation. The two factors that I?ve seen affect his percentage are the other teams OVR and the defensive player closing out on him at the time of the shot. Ironically, lower OVR teams seem to make him miss more as well as defenders like Rodman (even if the shot registers open on the meter).

As for PG13, I?ve seen a lot of mixed results and I?ve found if I?m using a defensive coach like Quin Snyder then his actual 3pt shot percentage is noticeably lower than when I use a balanced coach like Brett Brown (similar corner 3 opportunities with contested or guarded defense).

Finally, I?ve found that no matter what C I use, I can reliably hit one open 3 per quarter with them. I?m using 94 Russell (who looks very similar to George in gameplay) and I?ll take a wide open 3 with him if it?s there. Obviously, the BB helps as well.

I guess what I?m trying to say in a very long winded way is that the success or failure of a given player can depend on many factors and if only one of those is off (eg PG13?s coach for me), one man?s gold might very well be another man?s trash. As you already mentioned, the only exception to this rule that comes to mind is a maxed 91 Simmons from S2. He was just OP ALL THE TIME.
I?ve found that it?s not so much the shooter himself vs the circumstances of the shot. For example, I thought 90 Curry could never miss on pull up 3?s at the elbows. Then I got 90/91 Magic and started doing the same ?open? shot with him and he couldn?t miss. Then I got 94 Sexton who by all rights should be a terrible 3pt shooter but even he makes that shot (as well as open corner 3?s).

I use 94 AI, 93 NP George as well as 94 Markkanen and I find Sexton to be as reliable if not more in most cases than ANY of those 3. I got Markkanen because KG wasn?t as reliable at the top of the key 3 that most people like to take on the first possession. Markkanen is better but with a 90 3pt % he should be nearly automatic on a perfect release in that situation. The two factors that I?ve seen affect his percentage are the other teams OVR and the defensive player closing out on him at the time of the shot. Ironically, lower OVR teams seem to make him miss more as well as defenders like Rodman (even if the shot registers open on the meter).

As for PG13, I?ve seen a lot of mixed results and I?ve found if I?m using a defensive coach like Quin Snyder then his actual 3pt shot percentage is noticeably lower than when I use a balanced coach like Brett Brown (similar corner 3 opportunities with contested or guarded defense).

Finally, I?ve found that no matter what C I use, I can reliably hit one open 3 per quarter with them. I?m using 94 Russell (who looks very similar to George in gameplay) and I?ll take a wide open 3 with him if it?s there. Obviously, the BB helps as well.

I guess what I?m trying to say in a very long winded way is that the success or failure of a given player can depend on many factors and if only one of those is off (eg PG13?s coach for me), one man?s gold might very well be another man?s trash. As you already mentioned, the only exception to this rule that comes to mind is a maxed 91 Simmons from S2. He was just OP ALL THE TIME.
+1 couldn't have said it better! As long as players have similar stats (no more than a 5 point difference) what matters most is the circumstances of your shot and what ovr advantage/disadvantage you find yourself. Take 90 Curry and put him on a team with a 2% disadvantage and he will miss a ton but take that same Curry and put him on a team with a 2% advantage and he will play lights out. The same goes with any other player. As long as they have similar stats they play almost exactly the same given the same circumstances.


Rookie 1
94 Penny but I sold for coins, I keep all the N/A cards on my team

92 Magic - Not as streaky as Penny but still good
90 North Pole Harris - Almost never miss I can't replace him yet
93 North Pole George - never misses on uncontested shots
94 Ghost Mark - Probably the best three pointer on my team
94 Ghost Russell -Buzzer beater that misses from time to time


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
93 Penny and 94 Markkanen are my go to 3pt shooters with 94 AI and 92 Kawhi as my next options and 94 Russell only for a buzzer beater 3

Thanks !

I'll try to reach 93 Penny,
as for Markkanen, slightly above budget (i just have 2,5mil now)

Any other 90+ options?

Perhaps the 94 Wade will be good don't know for sure yet but I still love 89 Ariza (easily hits 90) from 3 for my alt account


Rookie 1
Ingles is the best shooter in the game. Can't believe you guys missed him, but next promo is coming and Buddy Hield will take his place.
Kind of a rare card, but by far, and I have 3 accounts. BY FAR..91 curry Christmas Day is best shooter.

I never miss when I first got him, so started expirementing with him, made 6 in a row numerous games....


Rookie 1
I personally only take corner 3s when I play showdown. 89 Hield is an absolute monster, with the 93 contested shot and 88 Three-pointer. He rarely misses. Magic Johnson makes it most of the time if he's open. He'll make the occasional contested shot. 92 Pippen will give you one or two a quarter, while 87 Ingles is basically an automatic make.

I have SD Nick Nurse as my coach, so with the +7 Contested shot, all three pointers are automatically in when it comes to ingles or hield.


Rookie 1
Right after i started this topic T-mac has started to look average @ 3s LOL
I replaced him with a more defensive player (Gordon OOP) and put back Curry90 in my team who did not change : can score 5 in a row, then, next game can miss 3 in a row. I still believe he is now my more reliable player (Id' say 70-75%)

Now i have B.Hield 92 from this new promo, i'll be testing him (and use Penny92 as my starting PG)


Rookie 3
Hello all,

rely a lot on 3 points, mainly for my PG. Last year, F&I maxed out Ben Simmons was doing amazing for me.

This season 3, surprisingly T-Mac 87 has been doing GREAT. I can't remove him from my starting lineup but I need to cause I'm ONLY 90OVR. Who's the best option, if any?

I've tried Hayward maxed out, NP Harris for SG and also 90Curry, 92Penny, 90Magic, NP George, NP KG... but it's just not the same !

PG : Curry90 (can be 100% in few games, and then miss 3 in a row)
SF: NP George (but he's more like a 50/50 guy)
PF: NP Garnett (but I'm scared to use him :lol:)
C: Legend Mourning :lol:

What about you? Who are your most reliable 3-pointesr per position, regarldless of statistics

At PG I’ve used 105OVR Baylor, 105OVR Westbrook, 101 and 103 Lillard, 101 Giannis and 105OVR Young. Young has by far the smoothest 3-pointers, but both Westbrook and Lillard were great for me. I’ve downgraded 105OVR Young for the 104 version and don’t notice any difference. He’s just as good at finding an open spot and I shoot about 75-80% with him, even with deep threes. He’s also a great bench player with +4 3pt for PG, and a great stealer. Only in manual though, he’s a bit lackluster in AI, and terrible at rebounding.

105 Klay was a great shooter at SG, but I ditched him when I reached 107 with Carter, since he’s one of my all time favorite players. Not as consistent with threes, but better at everything else. A friend of mine uses 104 Paul George and won’t consider another player.

At SF, 105 Lebron and 106 PG are both very reliable, and Otto Porter Jr. is also excellent at threes, but I mostly use him as a bench player for a 3+ 3-point boost for my team. I’ve used 107 KD from the space campaign, but quickly sold him and bought 107 T-Mac. Again, mostly because T-Mac is in my personal top 5 and I don’t really like KD’s stiffness, even if he can knock down threes consistently.

At PF, I used 101 Klay for a while and he was actually really good. I only sold him after I got 105 Doncic, who is just as consistent at threes, but better at everything else.

At Center, I now mostly swap 104 Wilt and 103 Motumbu, but still keep 101 Butler around for when I want to maximize my 3-pt shooting. 101 Shaq is a great booster for the bench.

I missed out on Curry at PG because I started playing only recently. I’m now working on leveling my Illustrated Harden and plan to replace Young with him when he’s maxed out.

From what I can see, 107OVR Ray Allen is (on paper) the best three point shooter in the entire game. Anyone tried him?


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