Rookie 1
Currently, there are...
104 KAT
103 Bill walton
103 Dikembe
103 Moses
103 Enes
103 Jokic
104 KAT
103 Bill walton
103 Dikembe
103 Moses
103 Enes
103 Jokic
Yup same here.. whiteside is so solid. And really really good at blocking.. especially when the ai drives in to the paint.. though dont think his AI is that great.Defense with Jokic sucks he ruins team defense for a lot of people and since I have OPJ and I'm getting AD for my bench I'm no longer getting KAT but it's hard to imagine he makes defense worse on manual than Jokic does since despite worse secondary defensive stats he has a much better defensive primary stat
Currently I use 103 Whiteside and I'm happy with him but if they do make the second chance masters auctionable I'll buy and test KAT