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Who’s Tomorrow’s Flashback Player?


Rookie 1
I?ve been saving up my Flashback tokens because I haven?t been interested in any of the flashback players featured so far. Hoping this weeks Flashback player is worth me spending my tokens on!


Rookie 1
No pic of stats I just seen it in a video on the test server I'm not sure if I'll get him I've had 120 tokens since week one when we can run nonstop I'm holding out for a 90 which won't be for 4 weeks my luck lol


  • image.jpeg
    27.6 KB · Views: 987


Rookie 1
Releasing an 88 player seems kind of low rated, since now we are aiming for 90+ players...
And with "only" 87 on 3 point shots, is kinda low against Oladipo (88 on 3pt) or Allen (87 on 3 pt).
I'm keeping my 120 token for a better day...


Rookie 1
Releasing an 88 player seems kind of low rated, since now we are aiming for 90+ players...
And with "only" 87 on 3 point shots, is kinda low against Oladipo (88 on 3pt) or Allen (87 on 3 pt).
I'm keeping my 120 token for a better day...

Well to be honest the Flashback players will be always a bit weaker than what we are aiming for(unless special christmas TB cards come out)
because they are free and easily obtainable.


Pro 1
Releasing an 88 player seems kind of low rated, since now we are aiming for 90+ players...
And with "only" 87 on 3 point shots, is kinda low against Oladipo (88 on 3pt) or Allen (87 on 3 pt).
I'm keeping my 120 token for a better day...

If I were you I would get him and sell him. He?s going for a good bit.


Pro 1
Releasing an 88 player seems kind of low rated, since now we are aiming for 90+ players...
And with "only" 87 on 3 point shots, is kinda low against Oladipo (88 on 3pt) or Allen (87 on 3 pt).
I'm keeping my 120 token for a better day...

If I were you I would get him and sell him. He?s going for a good bit.

Any reviews?

I?d buy him and test him, but I?m super close to 14M


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