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While we wait for Harvest promo - What is your current goal in the game? And how are you spending st


All-Star 1
My current goal is to make good use of the team I have built right now and collect as much rep as I can from showdown. After that, I will sell almost all my players from my lineup 1 or 2 days before this promo starts since they will be irrelevant after this promo ends.

Man, that seems like a big gamble. Esp if this promo isn't as grindable. Hope it works out well

Thank you. At this point in the game I would rather have the coins than the players haha. I feel like almost every promo gives you a chance to double your coins if you strategize correctly. I?ve been a f2p player since NBALM16 soft launch and the reason alot of f2p people struggle getting ?The best? players in the game is because they worry too much about ?grinding for players? and not making coins. It?s like that one saying ?chase money, not women? in this case the ?money? are the coins and the ?women? are the players. Chase money and you?ll never be short of beautiful women to be with. If you translate that into the game its chase the coins and you?ll never be short of ?The best? players. Only thing about it is that now it?s way more complex to make coins than the previous years, but its still possible.

That's a good way of looking at it and youve got me thinking....it's just the way the AH has gone so far, the prices of 85's & up + the uncertainty of how they're going to do content makes it hard to know if you're being smart or stupid sometimes. Haha. Why not go big though? It's just a game right?


Rookie 1
Man, that seems like a big gamble. Esp if this promo isn't as grindable. Hope it works out well

Thank you. At this point in the game I would rather have the coins than the players haha. I feel like almost every promo gives you a chance to double your coins if you strategize correctly. I?ve been a f2p player since NBALM16 soft launch and the reason alot of f2p people struggle getting ?The best? players in the game is because they worry too much about ?grinding for players? and not making coins. It?s like that one saying ?chase money, not women? in this case the ?money? are the coins and the ?women? are the players. Chase money and you?ll never be short of beautiful women to be with. If you translate that into the game its chase the coins and you?ll never be short of ?The best? players. Only thing about it is that now it?s way more complex to make coins than the previous years, but its still possible.

That's a good way of looking at it and youve got me thinking....it's just the way the AH has gone so far, the prices of 85's & up + the uncertainty of how they're going to do content makes it hard to know if you're being smart or stupid sometimes. Haha. Why not go big though? It's just a game right?

Yea back in the good ole days we would almost exactly know what to expect each promo and how it would affect the AH, but this year it?s like they make us believe it?s gonna be a certain way and once the promo comes out there?s like this huge twist to it (Halloween promo wasn?t bad though). I?ll admit it, what I?m planning on doing is actually pretty stupid lol and I wouldn?t recommend it, but like you said it?s just a game at the end of the day and we?re all just here to kill time and have fun. Good Luck on the upcoming promo !


Pro 1
Yea back in the good ole days we would almost exactly know what to expect each promo and how it would affect the AH, but this year it?s like they make us believe it?s gonna be a certain way and once the promo comes out there?s like this huge twist to it (Halloween promo wasn?t bad though). I?ll admit it, what I?m planning on doing is actually pretty stupid lol and I wouldn?t recommend it, but like you said it?s just a game at the end of the day and we?re all just here to kill time and have fun. Good Luck on the upcoming promo !

We're still having the game changers previews so it's possible to make moves anticipating market trends with a more reduced risk :p Of course, if you want to really anticipate vs everyone, the time is now :lol:

I sold most of my reserves/inventory in the last couple of days as I think you're right that many cards will lose value as the promo comes, but I'm not downgrading my team unless there's a market hecatombe in the horizon as the previews come up :)

Still, these days, if you have the non auctionable cards like WB at 85, Klay, Giannis, Griffin 85, Drummond, Harden/Butler, Ingram, you're not exactly falling too low :)


Pro 1
Also the impact gold item event is dumb, needs to be a quick drill for as many times as it needs to be repeated. Flashback this time around ain?t too great, but even without the first win bonus, you?d have finished the flashback set nearly 1.5 times before you finished getting 1 impact player. I know there?s a stam difference but there?s also a time spent per event difference, so let?s say those cancel out.

I disagree with you about the event.

It's 3 baskets of any kind without any care of the result. so you open the way for the opponent to shoot quick and you can get it done in 30-40 seconds often. And you know you're going to win the event even if things go wrong initially.

I'd rather play the 3 baskets event all day instead of JR Smith missing shots and eventually killing 50 stamina for 0 collectibles in what looked like a simple drill. I'm only playing first wins in flashback shooting event thanks to that.


Pro 1
I?m doing Impact mostly:
1) I really enjoy the 3 baskets event.
It let?s me try different ways of playing this game. I get to do stuff with the players I only knew existed because I saw the AI doing it.
2) I like the concept of having a boosted player for 1-2 weeks.
In my case I was playing with 84 Wallace (Wilt on the bench) and if I wanted an upgrade there is Ewing and Robinson going for around 2M when/if they show in the AH. Getting Gobert gave me another 1,5 weeks untill something better shows up (Mutombo?) which, if nothing else, should drop the prices on Ewing/Robinson.

Flashback gets on my nerves: I once failed the JR Smith shooting event 4 times in a row before giving up.
That being said I something play it (match event, other than 1st time) when I need to spend stamina fast.

First time events only on Legends, Elevate and Next Gen.

Not doing Harden events, Legacy events and most daily events (which is actually a good indicator, since it means there are better alternatives atm).


All-Star 3
Everyday - Only play first win impact, elevate and flashback. Xp , coin gamble, and get loose event
Tue,thu - entire stamina showdown
Sat entire stamina - legend
Mon, wed,friday, sun - entire stamina elevate till i get them to 85(butler and ingram)


All-Star 1
Everyday - Only play first win impact, elevate and flashback. Xp , coin gamble, and get loose event
Tue,thu - entire stamina showdown
Sat entire stamina - legend
Mon, wed,friday, sun - entire stamina elevate till i get them to 85(butler and ingram)

Same except I think you have your days mixed up. Elevate is Tues, Thur, Sat. Flashback and Impact are everyday. Next Gen is Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. So I do,

First wins on Impact and Flasback as well as all Live Events (besides Elite Player Spin) everyday
M,W,F are SD primarily
T, TH are Elevate and SD
Sat is Legend and SD
Sun is Elevate and SD


All-Star 3
Everyday - Only play first win impact, elevate and flashback. Xp , coin gamble, and get loose event
Tue,thu - entire stamina showdown
Sat entire stamina - legend
Mon, wed,friday, sun - entire stamina elevate till i get them to 85(butler and ingram)

Same except I think you have your days mixed up. Elevate is Tues, Thur, Sat. Flashback and Impact are everyday. Next Gen is Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. So I do,

First wins on Impact and Flasback as well as all Live Events (besides Elite Player Spin) everyday
M,W,F are SD primarily
T, TH are Elevate and SD
Sat is Legend and SD
Sun is Elevate and SD
Ya. Lol.. time zone confusions..
I used to play all the live events.. 2 to 3 days of missing the jackpot and wasting 50 stamina chnaged my mind


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