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Which 94 Firework master is the best to complete to sell for most coins?


Rookie 1
On my auction house, Malone and Hardaway are listing around 2.9 mil at the moment. I'm not sure which to complete so I can make coins, or if Pippen is a better option (I did not see him up). What do you guys think if you have sold one already?


Rookie 1
I think most people are going after Hardaway, so he's probably the most profitable to go after.
It is a matter of speed. The longer it takes you to complete it the less value it has. The earliest listings sold for close to the maximum cap but it is dropping quickly. None of them are insta sells anymore.


All-Star 1
I listed Penny for 2.99/3.25 very early Fri EST time. Nada. 4-5 hrs later I added Pippen and he insta sold for 2.8 BIN but not before I had relisted Penny for 2.79/2.99. A bid of 2.91 hit with about a half hour to go. A couple hours a go my buddy (on AH2, I'm on AH1) hit a BIN of 2.4M on Moses even though I could see BIN's of 2.1M for him. The AH went crazy yesterday and seems to be the same today. Good time to list your slow movers for higher prices.


All-Star 3
I listed Penny for 2.99/3.25 very early Fri EST time. Nada. 4-5 hrs later I added Pippen and he insta sold for 2.8 BIN but not before I had relisted Penny for 2.79/2.99. A bid of 2.91 hit with about a half hour to go. A couple hours a go my buddy (on AH2, I'm on AH1) hit a BIN of 2.4M on Moses even though I could see BIN's of 2.1M for him. The AH went crazy yesterday and seems to be the same today. Good time to list your slow movers for higher prices.

Man thats some crazy grinding.. ive been grinding quite a bit and just halfway thru to my first 94.
Im surprised u got so much for pippen. So him listed for less than 2 mill also today


All-Star 1
I listed Penny for 2.99/3.25 very early Fri EST time. Nada. 4-5 hrs later I added Pippen and he insta sold for 2.8 BIN but not before I had relisted Penny for 2.79/2.99. A bid of 2.91 hit with about a half hour to go. A couple hours a go my buddy (on AH2, I'm on AH1) hit a BIN of 2.4M on Moses even though I could see BIN's of 2.1M for him. The AH went crazy yesterday and seems to be the same today. Good time to list your slow movers for higher prices.

Man thats some crazy grinding.. ive been grinding quite a bit and just halfway thru to my first 94.
Im surprised u got so much for pippen. So him listed for less than 2 mill also today
You have no idea! Haha

I figured the fourth blitz might be f?d up based on the description but with EA you never know.

Like I said, it seems there?s a difference between what we pay and what the bot is willing to pay. Take the Moses example as well.


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