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When is the reset date exactly?

Does anybody know when season 4 will be released? So far we have ton of information already but we need the exact date. Anybody with the information is welcomed to common below


Pro 2
My guess is 10 October at 7am S3 will finish. Thats when Draft Expansion will happen
but it says 1 week. Which the battle of the twits going on - Reddit Barry and EA Brian over this issue, we might not find out until it happens just due to spite on the EA twit’s part. We should know specifically by now. What kinda crap is EA pulling?
We'll probably know 1 week beforehand. If we dont know yet, it's cause we're not that close. I mean, it's pretty clear.

There will be gamechangers video previews too.


Rookie 1
My guess is towards the end of October based on the timers on the SD Masters. I just can't see the season ending before those timers end.


All-Star 1
My guess is towards the end of October based on the timers on the SD Masters. I just can't see the season ending before those timers end.
Those timers are busted. Everything else ends before those. I chalk it up to normal EA ineptitude. But who really knows at this point....


Pro 2
Yeah and now youtubers are using Barry’s countdown timer as if it meant something. How odd to put up a countdown with the note that it’s not official. Barry has been wrong so many times before - the Draft promo for example - no one should put a wit of stock in his new website.


All-Star 1
I hope it's just some grind-a-thon for Draft points. I'll be just short of #1 & don't feel like spending any cash to get there. And I have nothing else to upgrade. So that would keep my interest.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
When does the console version come out?
That doesn't have a release date but the last 3 console games came out in September so had it not been delayed it would have come out by now but it was delayed what feels like months in advance


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