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What's the difference between primary and secondary player stats?


Rookie 1
Guess this one is noob question... :) But I'm really interested.
Which of two stats are more important? Maybe one is crucial when playing yourself and other is for AI...
Thanks in advance to all who will respond! ;)


Pro 1
I don't think it's thing about AI vs Manual

Primary stats should be a balanced mix of secondary stats and other hidden stats that the game doesn't present currently.

For example the size of the +20 'circle' is probably the most important thing to shoot 3s successfully, yet from what I can see it's not only about the outside shooting stat, or only about the 3 stat. In that case It's probably a hidden stat that matters the most.


Rookie 1
honestly, do stats really matter? I mean sometimes I have shaq with a 50 3 pointer hitting a million 3s in a row and curry with 90(I don't think theres any curry cards with 90 3 pointer but that's not the point) 3 pointer missing a million in a row. not to mention trae young getting boards over shaq


Rookie 1
Yeah, RANDOM factor is crucial in this game...
It's easier to hit "threes" with 31% probability than with 70% sometimes... It's really weird.


Rookie 1
I don't think it's thing about AI vs Manual

Primary stats should be a balanced mix of secondary stats and other hidden stats that the game doesn't present currently.

For example the size of the +20 'circle' is probably the most important thing to shoot 3s successfully, yet from what I can see it's not only about the outside shooting stat, or only about the 3 stat. In that case It's probably a hidden stat that matters the most.

I'm thinking of hidden stats too.
Remembering S1 there were plenty of it.
Example from nbalivegg:


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