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What's killing you in showdown?


Rookie 3
I know there's a lot - ai's offensive rebounding, scoring with contact, the bs 'open look missed' or 'ai's coach/bench bonus ( honestly, where did it came from? How do iget a coach or bench bonus?), ai's buzzer beater, etc. Or what do you hate the most or you think if ever happen you know you'll lose. For me i think, it's ai buzzer beater. I know it's a good idea to have the last shot. In s2 when i had lebron/harden i am able to manage that. But now, if i know i have a shot i'll take it. The problem is opp's ai will have the last posession and about half of the time they are making it causing my lost. How about you guys?


All-Star 3
Ya I usually try to take the last shot.. even if I miss it, its less frustrating than the AI making it and me losing the match by 1 or 2...
What's killing me right now is the number of missed 3s .. all were shots which I was making last week..


Rookie 3
I don't trust the 3s right now maybe until we have like 95 and over 3pt stats. For now i am relying more on 2s and working my a** as hard as i can on defense to get the point advantage. And yeah, most of the time i am fighting against my patience to take my last shot as it is less frustrating when you lost by 1 or 2 points.


Rookie 2
I hate it when the AI gets to pass to any player while I can only pass to the PG.
Also when my layers miss open layups shooting under the rim or behind the board.


Rookie 3
@ramizi, it is connected to my problem. Last second ai can pass the ball to anyone leaving my defense broken sincei am on control only on pg, and when they passed it half court on sg or sf its almost a 2 or 3 pts for them.
I finally broke down and bought the cheapest Rudy Gobert I could find int he AH. Might be the best decision I've made all week, replacing Master Embiid with Gobert. Embiid MIGHT have equal rebounding to Gobert once he's leveled up 7 times. Until then, it's not even close. Gobert even grabs a few offensive rebounds, much more than Embiid ever did lol. Sure Gobert is less of an offensive player but I wasnt using Embiid for much on offense. He could hit an open 3 from time to time, but all his ratings are still so low that he will miss a layup and it will say "low rating"' lol


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