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What would you do with an extra Boost?


Rookie 2
I got lucky and got a boost in a pack so technically I could have Cousins ITP (which I got first) and one other.

Problem is, I have about 515k coins and since I didn't think i would get to 96 Harden I stopped at a 95.

So here is my starting lineup:

PG Collin Sexton 94- who I think is awesome and has a BB
SG James Harden LNY 95- very good obviously no clutch
SF Paul Pierce 95 Legend- I interchange him and Ingles Elite SD
PF John Collins 96- Solid
C Demarcus Cousins ITP 96- Very happy with him

So the only way I can really see myself getting the ability to use my other boost is to sell Sexton 94 who I really like and who gets crazy steals and has BB. But in fairness he is only a 94. If I sold him, I buy Harden 96 and boost him to clutch. However, if I choose this, my entire Harden 95 will be a waste and I will have no coins.

What would you guys do? Thx.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You're could kill 2 birds with one stone and just get Marbury and out BB on him instead that way you keep BB but don't end up with 2 95+ Hardens


All-Star 1
I heard reports on discord today that some people were able to use the Power Up set twice. Not sure how valid it is but supposedly they entered the token directly into the set from the claim screen.


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