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What was the impact of the tip-off promo in your line-up and resources so far?


Pro 1
Tip-off promo allowed a fairly easy access to good cards, so line-ups changed a bit since the promo dropped on Tuesday.

The price range of top cards was part of that easy access, but on the downside, selling some of those cards became tough, so if you went all the way to get Isiah you could end in a tough situation.

Since there's already another promo coming - Halloween - to get some more resources and introduce new cards, I'm wondering -

* What is people's coin total variation since Tuesday?
* The amount of cards changed in the main line-up And the ovr impact
* Do people have a similar amount of inactive/reserve elites?

my answers are -250k, 2 new starters, 3 new benched (but trying to get rid of the 3), higher amount of elites out of main line-up (16)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Up 500k coins, 1 new starter, and my teams set up for when the new lineups come so I won't have to have a mad dash for cards when they come out when the vast majority of players that aren't bin a community finally see that new lineups are coming next month
I'm down about 350k coins, but got 4 new starters and 2 new bench players. I've now also just picked up Klay and Drummond next gen.

I started the campaign with an 81 lineup, it's now at 84 and I expect it should increase to 85 when I get Giannis in a few hours.

I currently have 4 extra elites between 81-85 that I can't bloody sell, otherwise I'd probably have at least double the amount of coins I currently have. I don't know, maybe it'd be better to just hold onto them...


Rookie 2
It was a good promo for me.. still is.. when it started I had less than 1.1M coins now I have 1.3M.. picked up 3 new starters, 2 new bench and upped my over from 82-84.. i expect to get to 85 when I get Drummond to start or backup wilt and Klay to backup/ start Dipo. I did spend a few bucks on the first day..


All-Star 3
I think most of us have achieved the same.. only difference I feel is coins..
Reached 84 ovr.
Low in coins bcz I bought Simmons from the AH..
2 new starters and 4 new bench..
True grinders promo.. showdown grinding got u rep and elites for the sets .. and promo grinding got the rest
Broke and still waiting to pull an 83+ after 15 re-rolls, and 8 hero sets. Not a happy camper as 86 Thomas seems less likely with 3 days left. Just one 84-85 pull would get me to 83ovr but I keep getting 82 Wiggins and 82 Howard from the sets. I re-roll Howard I get Howard back, I re-roll Wiggins I get Wiggins back. It's a vicious cycle eating at my coins.


All-Star 1
I think it was a good promo unless you got really unlucky with pulls. I started with just under a mil, ended with same amount but I got Wilt, 1starter, 2 bench, plus I bought 83 Lillard. Went from 81 to 83 OVR. To get all that & not lose any $ was pretty good.....in reality I made 450k in coin. Thought about spending a bunch on re-rolls but figured it wasn't worth it since I've almost got the Next Gen players & new promo tomorrow. With the AH being wrecked, gotta save as much as I can. No point spending on a player who could be almost immediately replaced


Rookie 1
I forgot my coin balance before tip-off, but at some point I have accumulated nearly 900K by merely grinding and selling gold tip-off.
But then, my tip-off line up got to 82, and I did a stupid move to go for Isaiah Thomas.
What happened next is my coins dropped below 250K for the sake of sniping elite tip-off and re-rolling the heroes over and over again...

After all, I've got IT, and lineup boosted from 81 to 84. I have two bench elites which can't be sold. I am going to try 45k BID 49k BIN next


Pro 1
Best promo by in S3. One of the best promos since I started playing this in Mar/18.
Was an 81 ovr; now I?m 84.

The only negative would be the very high cost of the tokens, specially when considering that you can?t sell the +82 elites.


All-Star 3
Best promo by in S3. One of the best promos since I started playing this in Mar/18.
Was an 81 ovr; now I?m 84.

The only negative would be the very high cost of the tokens, specially when considering that you can?t sell the +82 elites.

Yup. Dont remember ever getting both masters, so soon, so easily..
First round of playoffs last season was also great.. great cards atleast one master. Lots of coins


Rookie 1
Best Promo so far!

Started from 500k. From 81- 84 Ovr.
Got IT and Wilt and today, I got the 3 Next Gen Masters.

Therefore: Benched 3 T.O. Heroes and spare 3 T.O Heroes for Auction (Hoping that I can sell them!)

Sitting with 300k Coins, 200k Reps and 1.3 NBA Cash.

Hoping that with 300k and Reps , I will be able to get Master AD of the Halloween promo!


Rookie 1
Started with around 100k coins, now at around 350k plus i added 86 Wilt and 84 Simmons to the lineup. Still got some stuff to sell too, so a pretty decent promo all in all


Rookie 3
* -700k (was 1.7m, now 1m)
* cooked both wilt, thomas
* have 6 heros i cant sell...
* added drummond, giannis, and will add klay tomorrow (but those are no thanks to TO)...

was it a better event, yes, but when mirror cards sell, and you dont get even the bid, it hurts... hurts like it didn the first time... (reservoir dog fans will laugh :) )
I pretty much stopped after getting Wilt with the reroll glitch. I have Wilt, DeAndre and Wiggins on my alt and Wilt, Gordon and Simmons on my main. I may reroll Wiggins now that I have Kawhi and Giannis in the same position though I did enjoy using him. Gordon I may reroll too but I'm not fussed. I haven't enjoyed Simmons, to be honest.

The promo bumped me from an 81 to an 82 and adding a New Gen player to each lineup took me to an 83.

I lost around 200k on my main account because I had to buy elites for the trade in. My main account lost less than 100k. Most of the costs were for tokens.

The promo was all right. I'm glad I didn't get sucked into spending 200k rerolling for an 85 OVR. I think it'll be remembered for the AH mess, though.


Pro 1
my teams set up for when the new lineups come so I won't have to have a mad dash for cards

Before tip-off I was saving at least one base elite of each play-style per position, but without a release date for the line-ups update, I moved away from that, as I think these cards will be way too low ovr for the ovr-bar when the update comes.


Rookie 1
How are you guys making coins off this promo? Selling the higher rated golds?

I'm down about 250k, but I have increased my OVR with 2 new starters and 2 new bench players. I also have a ton of elite cards that I don't need and can't sell. With a functioning AH, I could have made a decent return, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get my coins back right now.


Pro 1
How are you guys making coins off this promo? Selling the higher rated golds?

selling the 75+ gold tip-off pulls was a decent way to bounce back a bit for me. Some coaches and turning NA elites into elites I could sell got me some more as well.

But now the flow of free collectibles and silvers isn't there anymore.


Rookie 1
The easy basically free Wilt is nice, but aside from that I?ve been stuck with two tip off heroes who will not sell after trying for almost a week. I?ve tried matching the lowest price, slightly below, a lot below, it doesn?t matter. I would honestly sell them for 150k if I could but the auction house won?t let me. Has anyone been able to sell these? Heyward and Gordon are the ones I?ve been stuck with, I have no interest in keeping them


Pro 1
Has anyone been able to sell these? Hayward and Gordon are the ones I?ve been stuck with, I have no interest in keeping them

not even when the market had a lot of bids in the second day I could sell Hayward.

I'm hoping for a better trading set, like asking for 82-86 cards in some promo ahead.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
my teams set up for when the new lineups come so I won't have to have a mad dash for cards

Before tip-off I was saving at least one base elite of each play-style per position, but without a release date for the line-ups update, I moved away from that, as I think these cards will be way too low ovr for the ovr-bar when the update comes.

I saved 79s it's much cheaper to do that and less of a loss of it backfires


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