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What to do with gold players


Rookie 3
I'm grinding showdown but during work hours i do the holloween events so i can burn my stamina faster which gives now 5 spellbook tokens. Now i have about 30 holloween golds and around 50 base golds which are not selling good in ah (not sure about you guys but i don't have that much time to repost every 4 hours for small to 0 earnings). I am thinking to just keep them or use in elite exchange in case they will be needed in the next promo. Any advise? Thanks.


All-Star 3
I'm grinding showdown but during work hours i do the holloween events so i can burn my stamina faster which gives now 5 spellbook tokens. Now i have about 30 holloween golds and around 50 base golds which are not selling good in ah (not sure about you guys but i don't have that much time to repost every 4 hours for small to 0 earnings). I am thinking to just keep them or use in elite exchange in case they will be needed in the next promo. Any advise? Thanks.

Either hold onto them for use in a later promo.. or sell
Bid 100 buy 4000 for Halloween golds 5000 for room 3 golds
With new lineups coming, turn them to elites. I've been turning in 15 Halloween golds for an 80 elite. If I can't use them in future lineups, I'll use them for the exchange sets for future promos.


All-Star 3
With new lineups coming, turn them to elites. I've been turning in 15 Halloween golds for an 80 elite. If I can't use them in future lineups, I'll use them for the exchange sets for future promos.

I think u can make more by selling the golds and buying the elite.. but ya the set is more time efficient
With new lineups coming, turn them to elites. I've been turning in 15 Halloween golds for an 80 elite. If I can't use them in future lineups, I'll use them for the exchange sets for future promos.

I think u can make more by selling the golds and buying the elite.. but ya the set is more time efficient
True, you can make more but it's no where near enough to justify the effort that would take with all the posting and reposting needed. The AH has been a pain in the butt this season, so much so that for my sanity I try and spend as little time as possible on it.


All-Star 1
Selling the golds I can make through spellbooks & turning by the rest into base elites. I'm sure there will be more elite exchanges coming & if not, I'll have all three lineups between 82 & 84 OVR without spending anything


Rookie 3
Thanks guys, maybe will just turn them to base elites then turn to holloween elites for a chance of 81+ ovr. I see that elites are already selling in ah so whether i sell them later or use in future lineups


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