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What to do With Bench


Rookie 1
Should I replace my bench with 90+ and max them out instead of using players with boosts? If so, what is the most effective way to max players out?


All-Star 3
If u can 93/94 players with boosts that's the best option to reach 99/100 ovr..eg. ewing monroe for classic jamal west for nba
Rt now cheapest way to train is to buy 77+ golds for less than 3500 but that's painstaking and time consuming
U could try sniping 90+players for less than 300 or even 95+ players for less than 900k but that's tougher ..


Rookie 2
good idea on maxing 93/94s. I just wonder if in the last week of the season we all are gonna get all these lower plat cards for dirt cheap like the elites were last year. The last few days almost everything was 90% in the auction house.


All-Star 3
good idea on maxing 93/94s. I just wonder if in the last week of the season we all are gonna get all these lower plat cards for dirt cheap like the elites were last year. The last few days almost everything was 90% in the auction house.

Depends on how cheap.. the 95-7s might end up being cheap.. but the whole ah has to crash to make training cheap which is the real issue..I guess we'll have to wait and watch


Rookie 1
good idea on maxing 93/94s. I just wonder if in the last week of the season we all are gonna get all these lower plat cards for dirt cheap like the elites were last year. The last few days almost everything was 90% in the auction house.

That?s what I hope would happen, like it has every year in madden and nba live, but this is the first season?s end with the auction house bot, so I don?t know what to expect.


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