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what makes up OVR


All-Star 1
Each player has a number of attributes. Secondary stats are part of it but there are also hidden stats. That's why you'll see players with what appears to be good Outside Shooting stats when you look at all the Secondary stats like 3pt and Mid-range but somehow they have a low Primary Outside Shooting stat. All those numbers add up to their OVR but it doesn't compute to a whole number. That's the reason you can add a jersey with +1 3pt shooting and one of your players gets boosted to a higher OVR. 93 Magic is most likely a 93.4 OVR or something like that when all of his stats are added up. So when you add in +5 Coach boost, his OVR rounds up to 94. Nobody knows exactly how they calculate it but that's probably a close enough explanation. If I'm wrong, someone can correct me


Rookie 3
Each player has a number of attributes. Secondary stats are part of it but there are also hidden stats. That's why you'll see players with what appears to be good Outside Shooting stats when you look at all the Secondary stats like 3pt and Mid-range but somehow they have a low Primary Outside Shooting stat. All those numbers add up to their OVR but it doesn't compute to a whole number. That's the reason you can add a jersey with +1 3pt shooting and one of your players gets boosted to a higher OVR. 93 Magic is most likely a 93.4 OVR or something like that when all of his stats are added up. So when you add in +5 Coach boost, his OVR rounds up to 94. Nobody knows exactly how they calculate it but that's probably a close enough explanation. If I'm wrong, someone can correct me

i heard its when you add up all the sticks, leaves and gum you have, and then divide by 10 :D :D


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