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What happens with BF and Harvest sets on Tues?


Rookie 1
BF campaign and the curry 90 sets have timers that end after Tuesday?s reset. So, will we only be able to do BF campaign to finish up the curry set and all other BF sets will disappear tomorrow? Or will there be other BF offerings available?

Harvest campaign timer lasts for 3 more days. But Harvest sets end in 2 days. Wtf is up with that? It should be the other way around.


Rookie 1
They finish Wednesday I think?

Yikes... I was going for Curry from the beginning and have the 90 OVR but a few days ago I decided I wanted Tatum so I?ve been spending ALL stamina on those harvest drive events. It?s going to be ridiculously close I think. I need 80 more items which I think is possible if I use a stamina refill and just do the 2 league games per day additionally. It doesn?t account for losing harvest drive events though...

However, where are the harvest drive packs for 6 items for 30 BF tokens!!! It?s not a great deal I know but every two of those packs is another feast token!!! Are they gonna come back do we think???


Rookie 1
Also, anyone know if there will be any more packs with curry tournament tokens for bf tickets? Was focused on the drive events and now need a little boost to finish 89 Curry. I know we get a set reset at 4pm ET today but with 8 hour timers now I'm a bit worried the harvest sets may be done now.


Rookie 1
Same, trying to finish 89 curry (87 left) and still going for Duncan but need to finish mutombo (150 left). But without the packs Duncan may be unattainable.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
They finish Wednesday I think?

Yikes... I was going for Curry from the beginning and have the 90 OVR but a few days ago I decided I wanted Tatum so I?ve been spending ALL stamina on those harvest drive events. It?s going to be ridiculously close I think. I need 80 more items which I think is possible if I use a stamina refill and just do the 2 league games per day additionally. It doesn?t account for losing harvest drive events though...

However, where are the harvest drive packs for 6 items for 30 BF tokens!!! It?s not a great deal I know but every two of those packs is another feast token!!! Are they gonna come back do we think???

There will be a 15 harvest tokens for 40 tickets set but no set for tourney tokens


Rookie 1
They finish Wednesday I think?

Yikes... I was going for Curry from the beginning and have the 90 OVR but a few days ago I decided I wanted Tatum so I?ve been spending ALL stamina on those harvest drive events. It?s going to be ridiculously close I think. I need 80 more items which I think is possible if I use a stamina refill and just do the 2 league games per day additionally. It doesn?t account for losing harvest drive events though...

However, where are the harvest drive packs for 6 items for 30 BF tokens!!! It?s not a great deal I know but every two of those packs is another feast token!!! Are they gonna come back do we think???

There will be a 15 harvest tokens for 40 tickets set but no set for tourney tokens

Do you know if we are still gonna get any elevate player set?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
They finish Wednesday I think?

Yikes... I was going for Curry from the beginning and have the 90 OVR but a few days ago I decided I wanted Tatum so I?ve been spending ALL stamina on those harvest drive events. It?s going to be ridiculously close I think. I need 80 more items which I think is possible if I use a stamina refill and just do the 2 league games per day additionally. It doesn?t account for losing harvest drive events though...

However, where are the harvest drive packs for 6 items for 30 BF tokens!!! It?s not a great deal I know but every two of those packs is another feast token!!! Are they gonna come back do we think???

There will be a 15 harvest tokens for 40 tickets set but no set for tourney tokens

Do you know if we are still gonna get any elevate player set?

No elevate sets today and won't know if more sets that use BF tickets will be coming out until the next hour


Rookie 1
They finish Wednesday I think?

Yikes... I was going for Curry from the beginning and have the 90 OVR but a few days ago I decided I wanted Tatum so I?ve been spending ALL stamina on those harvest drive events. It?s going to be ridiculously close I think. I need 80 more items which I think is possible if I use a stamina refill and just do the 2 league games per day additionally. It doesn?t account for losing harvest drive events though...

However, where are the harvest drive packs for 6 items for 30 BF tokens!!! It?s not a great deal I know but every two of those packs is another feast token!!! Are they gonna come back do we think???

There will be a 15 harvest tokens for 40 tickets set but no set for tourney tokens

No more tourney token sets even tomorrow or still a chance?


All-Star 1
They finish Wednesday I think?

Yikes... I was going for Curry from the beginning and have the 90 OVR but a few days ago I decided I wanted Tatum so I?ve been spending ALL stamina on those harvest drive events. It?s going to be ridiculously close I think. I need 80 more items which I think is possible if I use a stamina refill and just do the 2 league games per day additionally. It doesn?t account for losing harvest drive events though...

However, where are the harvest drive packs for 6 items for 30 BF tokens!!! It?s not a great deal I know but every two of those packs is another feast token!!! Are they gonna come back do we think???

There will be a 15 harvest tokens for 40 tickets set but no set for tourney tokens

No more tourney token sets even tomorrow or still a chance?
The sets will be there until Thurs or so. If you meant packs then it doesn't sound like it.


Rookie 2
Do we know what sets will come out next? Reallly thinking of finishing off TD and Mutombo with these 15 Food items for 40 BF tix... just thinking EA might go crazy and release Food Festival Tokens next (wishful thinking)...


All-Star 1
Any info on store packs? I was gonna use cash for BF Tix but everything is expiring. Don't really want to buy anything before reset and risk getting screwed


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