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What do I need to hit a hundred least expensive way?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Team boosts on bench whether that means swapping your starters with your bench or replacing your bench players entirely


Rookie 3
Team boosts on bench whether that means swapping your starters with your bench or replacing your bench players entirely

which bench players do I need to hit to hit a hundred I'm at 98.6 what do I need to hit a hundred 99.1?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It depends on how many boosts you have and how many players are affected by them if a player is on the bench giving a team boost it affects all 10 players but if it's a starter it only affects the starters so based on those factors it will raise or lower the amount of overall points you need to reach the next team overall so just start with swapping your SGs, SFs, and PFs and work from there one thing that would help is swapping Wilkens for GT Jass and what jerseys do you have

Btw I edited your post to show the full image size always post that so it's easier for everyone to see


All-Star 1
The more boosts you have across the board, the lower the OVR # needed to hit the next level. Stewie is right, swap your starters with boost to the bench. Bird & LeBron should be on the bench if you're looking to hit 100. But you're still a bit off either way. If you can finish this promo, putting boosted Kyrie and Tatum on the bench will likely get you there. And maybe get Hakeem to 99.

I messed with my lineup to try & mirror yours and I can hit 100 OVR with a 98.7. But that's with 45 boost points on my starters.

Edit: Actually, if I put Magic on the bench with his team boost(giving the starters 47 boost pts), I can hit 100 OVR with 98.5 OVR pts
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Rookie 3
The more boosts you have across the board, the lower the OVR # needed to hit the next level. Stewie is right, swap your starters with boost to the bench. Bird & LeBron should be on the bench if you're looking to hit 100. But you're still a bit off either way. If you can finish this promo, putting boosted Kyrie and Tatum on the bench will likely get you there. And maybe get Hakeem to 99.

I messed with my lineup to try & mirror yours and I can hit 100 OVR with a 98.7. But that's with 45 boost points on my starters.
View attachment 3569

Edit: Actually, if I put Magic on the bench with his team boost(giving the starters 47 boost pts), I can hit 100 OVR with 98.5 OVR pts
View attachment 3570
Thanks dub


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