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What card are you most Impressed with?


Rookie 3
Staff member
Maze Master Irving 90
Nightmare Magic 99

Two of my favourites...

Also, the new KG Certifized 102 card art look good too.


All-Star 3
Gameplay or card art?
Gameplay I was most impressed with 96 magic.. perfect pg for this game.. ai early crossroads lonzo and 91 nba ben
Card art .. maybe recency bias but I really like the look of the golden ticket cards .. especially magic..


All-Star 1
Pretty impressed by GT Magic. Man, I don't wanna train him in case I need coin but I don't think I can keep my hands off.... I played a 101 OVR (same as me) and the guy had GT Nash. Magic made Nash his *****. I stole the ball 5 or 6 times, blocked Nash twice, and Magic scored at will. His cards play so well and this one has dope stats. Though I do agree with Ruckerpark that the speed is busted with him. He feels slower than my maxed MM and Nightmare Magic even though he has higher speed stat. Still blowing my mind though. He steals it against all the guys that I have trouble stealing from like 99 Payton & DS Kyrie


Rookie 1
I was meaning more gameplay but you can list your favorite card art 2! My favorite gameplay card is probably 99 ovr Westbrook or the 102 ovr Embiid Card. Hardest Ai I?ve faced has been the 91 ovr Simmons. For favorite card art, I?ve always liked that 90 Kyrie card and I?m also liking the design of these new certified cards.


Rookie 2
For me card art should be F&I Ben and AI and maze runner Kyrie.. gameplay I have a hard time against 99 nightmare Magic. I also love Manual 102 Embiid Fully maxed to 107 with boosts. Classic I love both SD master and GT edition Penny Hardaway. Have his SD version at 103 and maaaaan he can shoot.. whenever I use a player shooting 3?s I always miss or expect to miss after the 3rd or 4th streak but not with Penny. Once made 7 straight 3?s with him against a lower OVR player in LVL


Rookie 1
ok, this is gonna seem crazy to most of u, but card that im most impressed with is 96 awards Jamal Crawford. he litelary does everything for me on offense, he can shoot 3s consistently, dunk, dribble and all that.. And i habe some 100 overalls in my squad, but he is best one for me yet, didnt max him out coz im broke...


Rookie 3
99 curry according to me the best PG in the game makes almost 95 percent threes and pretty good at other things also but he is a bit slow
I would say SD TITAN gordon hayward . man can shoot as hell the best shooter I?ve ever played with. He is able to knock down 6-8 threes on a regular basis that is the reason why i have been winning more than 80% of my last 30 games recently


Rookie 1
Maze Master Irving 90
Nightmare Magic 99

Two of my favourites...

Also, the new KG Certifized 102 card art look good too.
Is Maze Master Irving still good? I might buy him.

The card I've been most impressed with lately is Specialist Giannis. Even though he's only 90 ovr, he plays well in all offensive aspects, and I feel like he plays the defense required to be a good PF as well. He can actually knock down 3's too (mostly), so that's a plus. I might have to max him out
How many coins did you spend on that magic? Under 50M by any chance? I haven?t even seen him in my AH but I?d be willing to gut almost my entire team to get him. Magic is just so ace in this game all around, and I?m fiending to replace my old 96 MM magic with GT magic.
Pretty impressed by GT Magic. Man, I don't wanna train him in case I need coin but I don't think I can keep my hands off.... I played a 101 OVR (same as me) and the guy had GT Nash. Magic made Nash his *****. I stole the ball 5 or 6 times, blocked Nash twice, and Magic scored at will. His cards play so well and this one has dope stats. Though I do agree with Ruckerpark that the speed is busted with him. He feels slower than my maxed MM and Nightmare Magic even though he has higher speed stat. Still blowing my mind though. He steals it against all the guys that I have trouble stealing from like 99 Payton & DS Kyrie


All-Star 1
How many coins did you spend on that magic? Under 50M by any chance? I haven?t even seen him in my AH but I?d be willing to gut almost my entire team to get him. Magic is just so ace in this game all around, and I?m fiending to replace my old 96 MM magic with GT magic.
Pretty impressed by GT Magic. Man, I don't wanna train him in case I need coin but I don't think I can keep my hands off.... I played a 101 OVR (same as me) and the guy had GT Nash. Magic made Nash his *****. I stole the ball 5 or 6 times, blocked Nash twice, and Magic scored at will. His cards play so well and this one has dope stats. Though I do agree with Ruckerpark that the speed is busted with him. He feels slower than my maxed MM and Nightmare Magic even though he has higher speed stat. Still blowing my mind though. He steals it against all the guys that I have trouble stealing from like 99 Payton & DS Kyrie

Dude, I spent so much effort trying to get Magic..... The day he was out I was bidding the entire day, missed a snipe for 7 mil BIN, missed a 30 mil BIN a bit later. Kept getting outbid bc I only had 40 mil. So I grabbed Certified Durant & put him on the AH. Hours later I sold him for 25 mil....so I was back in it. But then I was in it on a bidding war for about 45 mil & somebody straight bought it for 78 mil.....ugh. Bids kept getting pushed past 65 mil until I had bid on one for 45 with another popping up with a 56 mil BIN. I didn't jump on that before someone else did & then my bidding card got pushed past 65 mil again. So I had nothing & the day was done.

So I've been searching for another Magic for the last 2 days with nothing.....until yesterday morning a bunch showed up. Was bidding on 2 at once with end times like 10 mins apart, going back & forth. My connection glitched & lost one. Bidding war on the 2nd at like 35 mi. I knew my connection was crap & I was at work too....so I hiked the bid from around 40-> 50 mil & the other guy dropped out. Since then only ones I've seen have been for 60+ start & crazy high BIN. I lucked out. Keep trying, with all these cards coming at us, ppl will put more up for sale. He's def worth it


Rookie 1
He?s not in my lineup anymore but maxed out Eric gordan was super reliable for me and he has 3 point boost. On my bench now.


NBA Legend
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99 Rose I was disappointed in the stats and the steal performance at first when I got him but he locked down every PG since I got him and the great stealing ability I have with his cards came back after a while so now he's locking up ANY PG and getting plenty of steals along with being a very reliable scorer


Rookie 3
Staff member

I read this thread title as ?What card art are you most impressed with? hence my very out of line response.


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