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What are the hardest AI players that you have faced?


Rookie 1
100 OvR SD De'Aaron Fox....There's something off 'bout its movement that makes it so hard to guard plus it always makes its 3ptrs. If u try to steal the ball and fail..


Rookie 1
It's all about team overall for me.. 101 westbrook sucks terribly if I play against team with the same OV (or lower), but the same player is hard to steal/stop if I need to play against 102 or 103 (I'm 101).. maybe one card is always easy to play against for me, it's new Magic. I can't believe how easy it is to steal the ball from him even after 2-3 month break from playing SD (which means I'm not in good shape) with small player like 6'1 Stockton, even 102 overall team didn't help him much at all, but for rest PGs it's more about team OV than anything other.

I wasn't a fan of weird advantage for crappy gold lineups in S1, but what they did now is a complete nonsense. As a 101 player I can tell you playing 99 or 100 feels like it's 90, playing 102 feels like it's 110 and 103 feels like it's 115.... higher overall team should get some small advantage, but what we have now is a comedy.
Every Curry is a pain, and every future Magic probably too :mad:
For me 101 Westbrook is the easiest to steal the ball from, if you keep the distance from him.

The ovr advantage in SD is better than last season
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It's all about team overall for me.. 101 westbrook sucks terribly if I play against team with the same OV (or lower), but the same player is hard to steal/stop if I need to play against 102 or 103 (I'm 101).. maybe one card is always easy to play against for me, it's new Magic. I can't believe how easy it is to steal the ball from him even after 2-3 month break from playing SD (which means I'm not in good shape) with small player like 6'1 Stockton, even 102 overall team didn't help him much at all, but for rest PGs it's more about team OV than anything other.

I wasn't a fan of weird advantage for crappy gold lineups in S1, but what they did now is a complete nonsense. As a 101 player I can tell you playing 99 or 100 feels like it's 90, playing 102 feels like it's 110 and 103 feels like it's 115.... higher overall team should get some small advantage, but what we have now is a comedy.
Exactly the overall matters the most for sure also a long time ago I found that tall PGs are easy to steal from with short PGs which are lower to the ground compared to the high dribbling of the tall PGs and short PGs are easiest to steal when using tall PGs so it goes both ways with a big height difference


Rookie 2
Ovr is a bigger factor. But I've never find Westbrook that difficult.
Giannis the gold ticket one is a beast for me. Tho that guy is like 103ovr
100 OvR SD De'Aaron Fox....There's something off 'bout its movement that makes it so hard to guard plus it always makes its 3ptrs. If u try to steal the ball and fail..

And his on ball defense. Dude must have 100+ lateral quickness, because it can keep up with my PG easily when I'm full sprinting to get open for a 3. Rrally annoying. And unfortunately, his blocking his amazing too. A very reliable guard for sure.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Come on man lol you asked this question 2 months ago juts use the same thread and bump it asking for an update on the topic plus if you make a thread asking for an opinion on a player it goes in the card review section I merged the new thread with the old one


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