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What are the best players for each position?


Rookie 1
So what are the best AI players so far?

I have a hard time against Dillard and Jason Willams (yes 78 gold).

There are some gold players that play better than elites. At least in AI.

Name the best AI player you?ve face so far...


Pro 1
81 Simmons / 82 T Mac / 83 Durant / 80 Lauri / 81 De Andre is the AI line-up I don't want to face.

I haven't faced most 82+ cards like Rose, Okafor, TT more than a pair of times, so no opinion about those.

Simmons is still tough due to size and messes with my defensive switches.

I stole from T-Mac once in a what is already a good sample of games.

Rookie Durant acts like an early s2 card, getting open easily for 3s faster than others.

Lauri is also good at that. If he's in 'easy' game he's not that impressive, but that's valid for any card.

DeAndre grabbed more rebounds than others against me. base Gobert is also good.


Rookie 1
I have 80 Shaq but when I gave him, I can?t realky tell he is there. Manually he is good. But I do see a pattern from last season on DJ and Gobert. Maybe I will try to get one of them and see how it goes.


Rookie 1
I like the AI for Melo as well. Which is way better than the 80 Lebron that I have. But Durant does create a pain when facing.
Durant constantly destroys my Lebron...I want to get upset, like wtf, why wont he miss, but then I remember that's how he is in real life, too.

IT is a killer, when he turns it on, but sometimes he's quiet, and easy to steal the ball from. He also might be the easier player in the game to score on since he's so short, and just overall not good at defense, which they made realistic.

+1 on the 78 Gold card Williams. They should have just made him an elite card. His only weakness is he's easy to score on like Dame, IT, Wall and Westbrook. I love when the opposing team has one of those at point guard because that usually means my PG is gonna do well on offense. Unfortunately, my PG is one of the ones I named, so I'm sure that has to do with why my AI team is constantly outscored by 8-10 points, even by lower OVR teams lol.


Rookie 1
The handles, speed and transitionn on that 78 Jason Williams are crazy. But while it makes him a beast on the offense, it makes him easy to shake off when you're going for your shots. 80 Simmons PG is a pain to play against. He forces a change in my offensive scheme and I use my PG to facilitate only against his teams. 80 Shaq grabs offensive boards against me like all my players were 5'10.


All-Star 1
Is that prime Jordan? Nah, it's just Jason Williams dropping contested bombs on me non stop.

I've played him quite a bit and think I have one steal. Thinking about dropping my Curry for him but that means dropping back to a 79 OVR. Considering how many matches I've lost to him...might be worth it! :cry:


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