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Weekly tournament idea


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I should have mentioned this earlier before people got hyped up about themes and overall dropping but that's not something we can do simply because this season your AI lineup is based on the highest overall lineup you have so it won't end up being equal overall unless both players drops the overall of every single lineup they have to that desired overall which is a huge detriment to LvL since if you drop from a 106 to 101 just so you can play another 101 and they can play you at 101 it leaves the door open for someone in LvL to take advantage of that and destroy your team and possibly cause your league to lose because of it


Pro 1
I think everyone should be the same OVR considering how absurdly broken OVR advantage makes matchups, but that’s kind of tough due to your AI lineup needing to be changed, basically what Stewie said


Rookie 1
I should have mentioned this earlier before people got hyped up about themes and overall dropping but that's not something we can do simply because this season your AI lineup is based on the highest overall lineup you have so it won't end up being equal overall unless both players drops the overall of every single lineup they have to that desired overall which is a huge detriment to LvL since if you drop from a 106 to 101 just so you can play another 101 and they can play you at 101 it leaves the door open for someone in LvL to take advantage of that and destroy your team and possibly cause your league to lose because of it

Oh lol, i forget about that truth


Rookie 1
yeah we are actually working on something like this, going the FB route so you have the play friends option.

Basically have some admin that can set up a schedule, you play everyone and report scores....then match-ups can be set from seeding. 104 OVR min in ours with hopes the 104's will quickly get up to 105 at least.

It also allows you to change up your line-up or select one of the line-ups other than your main for use.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Alright guys,i didnt think about this ...but is necessary to play with our main lineup?or we can just create new lineup without having to sacrifice main lineup?i think we can play with newly created lineup


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Alright guys,i didnt think about this ...but is necessary to play with our main lineup?or we can just create new lineup without having to sacrifice main lineup?i think we can play with newly created lineup
You play with whatever lineup you want


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