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Very new to this game, been playing it like crazy, but still figuring everything out.


Rookie 3
Hey there all!!

I’ve only started playing this game less than a month ago, but I haven’t had this much fun playing a basketball game since NBA Street 2 on my old PS2. I like it so much, it actually got me back into watching basketball and even playing pickup games again for the first time in nearly a decade and even longer since I quit.

I’ve been grinding daily to build my team and enjoy that surprisingly much. I’ve made a few nice buys and sells in the auction and at one point topped out my OVR at 103 or 104, until I sold my highest rated players for some lower rated favorites of mine.

I currently mostly play with a team that’s 101 OVR and is mainly focused on three point shooting. I’ve swapped out higher rated bench players for ones that have better boost items, and my best three point shooter is currently Bill Bradly ‘57 that I unlocked in the Stars and Stripes campaign, with a 3-point ability of 120 (102 + 18 boost).

Still figuring a lot of things out about the game. Last week I dumped a ton of elite and platinum Elevate tokens in quick sale, only to find out after that you can buy players to upgrade to insane levels (I’ve now started with illustrated James Harden).

Is there anywhere where I can find a list with all the players in the game that are trainable, so I can keep an eye out for them in auctions?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
1. Don't go for just boosts on your team especially since stats max at 115 you're wasting time trying to get players beyond that point with 3pt boosts
2. Do not bother training players because they cost 600k coins and 150k training points to max the card and you can't sell it afterwards both of those things are not good ideas for new players

Welcome to the forum though


Rookie 3
Thanks for the tips! So I’m better off trying to snatch 106 Harden at auction than trying to upgrade him myself?

Didn’t know stats maxed out at 115. That explains why I never see more than 115 in-game! I told you I was new at this.

Also, just for shits and giggles, I made an all-Durant team (haven’t saved up for the 106PF one). Are there any other players that fill every position?


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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thanks for the tips! So I’m better off trying to snatch 106 Harden at auction than trying to upgrade him myself?

Didn’t know stats maxed out at 115. That explains why I never see more than 115 in-game! I told you I was new at this.
Well Illustrated Harden and Awards Harden are 2 different positions but yeah you're better off earning cards from promos then buying and selling cards over training them


Rookie 3
Well Illustrated Harden and Awards Harden are 2 different positions but yeah you're better off earning cards from promos then buying and selling cards over training them
Thanks, I’ll do that instead. Still bummed that I started playing after the UA Curry was a reward, because the 100OV PG curry in auction was holding my team back and there isn’t a higher option at PG (though I’d still pick my three PG’s over him, I think).


Rookie 3
Welcome to the hustle on the grind of a non pay to play a player. Let me know if you want to join a league I can get you into mine you can earn free stuff and experience points


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