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Vday pack results?


Rookie 2
Has anyone made the VDAY set yet? If so please post results here. Even the regular packs give you an elite so curious to see if these have any real value.
I pulled 85 SD Curry & 82 Impact Jabary Parker from the free pack. 2 more tries left lol.

I've seen some 88 signatures & 90 Black friday players being pulled from the set.


Rookie 1
Hey guys, first time poster here.
Been reading for a few days, now.

I actually opened a lot of these v-day packs, today. I'd say like 6 or even 7.
Got 80s, 81s from most of them.
But got a 92 Donovan Mitchell
A 90 Butler
An 89 (?) Dennis Smith Jr
An 87 Paul Milsapp
And an 85 Harden.
These were my top-5. Still gonna open one more pack, probably (2 if I manage!)


Rookie 1
Actually forgot...
Also pulled an 87 David Robinson and someone I'm trying really hard to remember, but simply can't because I sold for like 120k.


Rookie 3
On the first try I pulled an 81 and an 80 and on the second try I pulled a 94 and a 89 Ayton

All from the free pack
my pack luck has been insane this season


Rookie 1
I may end up 1-2 short from the free packs to get the 20 chocolate pack. Is it worth it to buy the extras to make the pack?


Rookie 1
I may end up 1-2 short from the free packs to get the 20 chocolate pack. Is it worth it to buy the extras to make the pack?

I just did it. for 150 nba cash. I was too curious. Pulled 90 FB LEONARD => probably sell for 125k so... was worth the risk


Rookie 1
Best pack I got was...87 Halloween Davis and 88 flashback Redick in the same pack. The chocolate set gave me two out of position players,- both 89s...dsj and DeMar... I'm halfway debating on trying again but I'm also discouraged from wanting to since I didn't get at least a 90 overall.


Rookie 2
I may end up 1-2 short from the free packs to get the 20 chocolate pack. Is it worth it to buy the extras to make the pack?

i paid 150 nba cash and got a 88 signature mike conley which sells for like 20k, NOT worth it. The regular packs were better.


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