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Harden Ch2 drops tomorrow along with an app update. The app update should fix the LvL glitch along with issues folks have been having with the latest iPhones. It will also include the new Campaign Lineup and other tip-off content.

There will be a store exclusive promo this weekend called #trending.

Tip-off begins a week from now. There will be spoilers released next Wednesday.

I asked Brian whether we'll have TOTW this season and he said they're still discussing it and trying to come up with ways to make it better.

Updates from Stewie309:
The content list in order of when they come as well as some info on when we'll get new Elevate and Next Gen cards


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All-Star 3
Thanks .. game is going in an interesting direction.. stamina is going to decide what anyone does.
I'm already confused what to grind for .. lol..


Rookie 1
EA is taking steps toward making nba live mobile great again! Just keep making grindable promos. from dhitman's vid it doesn't look like u have to spend light years on sd again


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah most of this is on other threads already but the TOTW stuff is interesting thanks


Rookie 1
TOTW should definitely be included, as it's by far the easiest season long campaign to include for EA. The content and cards create themselves, in a sense.
The setup of 5 cards, one per position works well. You then have to collect all 5 for the POTW.
Each month, you collect the 4 or 5 POTWs for the POTM.
That's logical.

Regardless, they should definitely stick to one format if they run with TOTW this season. The change ups in the middle of S2 showcase a lack of vision in the program.


Rookie 1
hmm. All that came out today was Harden chapter 2 for me, and there's no fast break blitz pack for it in the store.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
hmm. All that came out today was Harden chapter 2 for me, and there's no fast break blitz pack for it in the store.

You have to complete the 2nd event for it to pop up just like with the Thunder campaign


Rookie 1
Is LVL update going to be a Force update?? we all know these can be prevented by simply not updating your mobile device. EA needs to force update a maintenance. Is there a way we can get a confirmation on this? Thanks :)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Is LVL update going to be a Force update?? we all know these can be prevented by simply not updating your mobile device. EA needs to force update a maintenance. Is there a way we can get a confirmation on this? Thanks :)

When the issue is fixed then it will be forced (not guaranteed to be immediate) but as of now there isn't a fix for it yet


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I updated the 1st post with this picture


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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I updated it with info on when elevate and next gen cards will drop it is every 4-6 weeks after the previous drop


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