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Unsellable collectibles


Rookie 2
Hey guys,

With the Larry Bird campaign coming to an end yesterday I was hoping to able to sell all his useless tokens.
But I cannot...

I am stuck with 329 Three-Point tokens & 22 Number 33 tokens.

I also have many other collectibles I cannot get rid of and are jamming my items limit
  • 1 Master Completion token
  • 2 Philanthropist tokens from who can remember when
  • 5 Draft pick tokens
  • 6 Orlando court pieces
  • 1 Master Completion token
  • 1 LeBron Pass token

Can EA fix that and let us either quick sell or convert all this garbage?

Anyone else having this problem?


Rookie 1
I would hold onto those collectibles for Boss players, it's been I think for the past few NBALM seasons. I try to hold onto as much as I can.


Rookie 3
i still have 300 shite tokens.. so making 200k yesterday was sweet from selling some rubbish
but realised have a bit of a problem... does anyone want to open 600 unopened packs in my inventory??!!


Rookie 1
I would hold onto those collectibles for Boss players, it's been I think for the past few NBALM seasons. I try to hold onto as much as I can.

really! i've been holding onto many elite tokens too!
those hard earned map completion tokens
and a hell bunch of mvp tokens from ch.1 and ch.2

there r too many useless items, like the bronze jerseys and silver courts
totally useless

why dun EA consider letting us converting them into sth, say elevate tokens


Rookie 2
I think its time to bump this issue again.
I have too many collectibles that cannot be disposed in any manner (I'm aware of):
  • Curry 6
  • Buddy Hield tokens
  • Get Loose tokens
  • Space Dunk tokens
  • Stardust gold tokens
On top of that there are several players (i.e. the spaceball cards), courts & jerseys that jam my items limit and there's nothing to be done about it.

Is EA going to handle this?


All-Star 1
I think its time to bump this issue again.
I have too many collectibles that cannot be disposed in any manner (I'm aware of):
  • Curry 6
  • Buddy Hield tokens
  • Get Loose tokens
  • Space Dunk tokens
  • Stardust gold tokens
On top of that there are several players (i.e. the spaceball cards), courts & jerseys that jam my items limit and there's nothing to be done about it.

Is EA going to handle this?
Doubt they even give a response.....they're all in on S4. Everything being done for us now has been set up for awhile


Rookie 1
Well it was the international promo last year.....who knows for this season.

I've got 128 of those get loose tokens....I was hoping they would be needed in a season ending set for say a 109 or 110 Embiid Master (like that was it Jason Williams Pantheon set from last year). I'm not holding my breath.

Hopefully something happens with respect to the elevate tokens too....they are starting to get out of hand I am just shy of 100 platinum ones and don't want to upgrade people simply for the sake of using them.


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