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Rookie 1
@Stewie, is it necessary to complete both 104ovr or we can skip the 2nd one then proceed with the 105ovr? 🤔 I'm almost done with the first 104. Yhe stats of both 104 are similar right? Thanks in advance for tour comment.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
@Stewie, is it necessary to complete both 104ovr or we can skip the 2nd one then proceed with the 105ovr? 🤔 I'm almost done with the first 104. Yhe stats of both 104 are similar right? Thanks in advance for tour comment.
There isn't a 105 overall and the first one is the one without clutch the 2nd is with clutch the 3rd is just a set for people who made the 104 with clutch before the shoes came out


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Hey there, New guy here. How the heck do you get the shoe to complete sets?? Have seen nothing to help get that. TIA
You got one when you logged in for the first time after it was introduced and you get a new one after each set


Rookie 2
I am almost getting the 104 advanced over Curry. I am just 15 elite tokens away from...and I didn't even need to spend a dollar...just grind and achieve the daily objectives and paying 700 EA cash units weekly to get the extra 20 & 30 gold tokens to do daily.


Rookie 2
So you paid 2800 cash.
Grinding so much cash takes months.
You could have gotten the 104 (without the clutch) by just grinding.
Was it worth it?


Rookie 2
So you paid 2800 cash.
Grinding so much cash takes months.
You could have gotten the 104 (without the clutch) by just grinding.
Was it worth it?

Only for this card, I would pay 2800 EA cash from my existing reserves.

I didn't bother to do for prev masters like Horry & Bird.


Rookie 1
I am almost getting the 104 advanced over Curry. I am just 15 elite tokens away from...and I didn't even need to spend a dollar...just grind and achieve the daily objectives and paying 700 EA cash units weekly to get the extra 20 & 30 gold tokens to do daily.

This is strange - if you bought all four weeks you should have had him ages ago. I only bought the 700 pack twice from my cash reserves and I'll be getting him today, the clutch version.


Rookie 2
This is strange - if you bought all four weeks you should have had him ages ago. I only bought the 700 pack twice from my cash reserves and I'll be getting him today, the clutch version.

There were some days I missed because work in the office was too dang busy and I was too dang tired at night to grind it out.

Same for some of the daily objectives, which some I missed in completing due to crunch work schedule.

last not least, I missed playing some of the Curry 5v5 events due to the late evening tiredness and lost a few tokens. These misses all added up so I am a bit behind.


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