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True 3pt shooting %


Rookie 2
So I was wondering what is my 90 overall Curry 3pts shooting % really is?

Curry has a 3pts rating of 89.
Before the new app version his 'perfect' 3pt shot feedback would say 74%

So I just went out and checked this. Rules of engagement:
  • I played only LvL & SD
  • I only counted 'perfect shots', meaning +20 releases with a 'large' target area on the shooting meter
  • I played 16 quarters
  • I shot 123 shots
The results: 87 made out of 123 which makes almost 71% true shooting ; ratio expectancy of 2.12 pts per shot.

Also: at some point I also began taking note of the opponent overall to see if there're any trends there...


I was expecting 74% when I started.
Maybe EA has changed things?
Maybe it was not 74% to begin with...

Share your thoughts please


  • 90 ocerall Curry true shooting.jpg
    90 ocerall Curry true shooting.jpg
    66.3 KB · Views: 623


All-Star 3
nice work. always thought of doing something like this
what is ur team ovr?
interesting that u had ur best % agst the 88


Pro 1
there are shots that would get a max percentage in the old feedback, that with the new feedback are triggering a red text at the bottom, so I tend to think the percentages previously shown didn't tell the whole story.

now we can also see the game advantages affecting the 3pt rating feedback of the players as well.


Rookie 2
there are shots that would get a max percentage in the old feedback, that with the new feedback are triggering a red text at the bottom, so I tend to think the percentages previously shown didn't tell the whole story.

now we can also see the game advantages affecting the 3pt rating feedback of the players as well.

I doubt if the text has any affect at all. I tend to think it is random like in the past


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